Alysia Minami



4 years, 13 days ago


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Alysia Minami

Female • 20

"I've been betrayed by my closest friends. Never again would I trust anyone."

A quiet student of Blue Feather Academy. Though unfriendly, she never turns away from those who needs help.
  • BIRTHDAY October 13
  • RACE Human (???)
  • TITLE Lapis's Hero (Past)
  • CLASS Book of Origins Wielder
  • WEAPON/S Sword/Gun
  • ELEMENT Light
  • STATUS Alive


  • FOOD ???
  • COLOUR Green
  • NUMBER 4
  • ANIMAL ???
  • SEASON Spring
  • TIME OF DAY Evening
  • GENRE Tragedy


  • Summon Weapon
  • Basic Magic
  • Enemy Scan
  • Weapon Mastery
  • ???
  • ---
  • ---



The hero of Lapis who sacrificed herself to seal "Magician". She soon finds herself a hundred of years in the future, undoing the seal and degrading her age into a child. A guardian discovers her and helped her get adjusted in the new time, seemingly to aware of her situation. Adjusting as a normal human, she finds the past events repeating once again and she has no choice but to end things once and for all.


Jeanne's past events wherein she got blamed for the town's destruction when she's trying to save them, made her become distrustful of humans. Her closest friends in the past was the first ones to turn away from her, and she was forced to be kicked out of the village, to never return. She also hated the fact that she's been considered a hero by their village, only when the royalties of the continent came to give their gratitudes. (She discovered this from her guardian who told her the events that had also been written in history)

But the girl retained her trait of helping others who asked for it. It seems that she can't help it since she's always been like that in the past. And rather than interacting with others, she's always by herself, though some tries to befriend her before giving up not long after.


Jeanne was a child left in the footsteps of some florists in the village. She became aware of this information at an early age, and she didn't minded that. She grew up normally, and started working on their business not too long after.

On her 16th birthday while wandering around the fields, she discovered a book laid on the ground, and upon opening it, it seems to have made a pact with her, and considers her as the owner. The Book's Spirit Guardians, who got summoned after the pact, all helped her using it as the number of monsters have started to increase and started to get closer to their village.

Jeanne started travelling after that, helping out some villages that are almost swarmed by monsters, but reutrning to her hometown every now and then.

At one point, monsters appeared in her village, and she had no choice but to use her abilities. Magic were forbidden at that time, and Jeanne's show made others believe that she's been the one summoning the monsters. She got thrown out of the village after that, and Jeanne had to stop the overflowing number of monsters with only the help of the Guardians.

Discovering the real source of monsters and the enemy, Jeanne forcefully made her way on the village's underground route where the enemy had been staying, and even if awful words were thrown on her direction on the way, it didn't really stopped her. Seeing that she has no other options to stop the enemy, whom they called "Magician", Jeanne used the last spell of the book which uses the user's body to seal off the enemy.


Finding herself as an 8 year child, Jeanne isn't really thrilled with her situation, and was still bitter with the humans she considered friends in the past. A lady who was seemingly aware of her situation easily gave her shelter and explained how much times have changed in the past. Alongside that, she was also given a new name by the lady to blend in with others, which was "Alysia Minami", and told her that the name would come into an important play in the future.

When she reached the age of 16 once again, Jeanne found the book and the spirit guardians have asked for her help once again. Undoing of her seal was bringing the monsters back with "Magician", and though Jeanne has no actual plans of saving the world once again, she finds herself getting caught of everything.



Jeanne is currently staying on the White Kingdom after discovering her real heritage.

  • STORY WRITING: The lady who took her in was the one who first taught her. As she always have stories told from her travels, it had become Jeanne's task to write it all down in a book.
  • READING: Jeanne always had a great affinity for books it seems. During free time in school, she would normally be found on the library, reading whatever books she sees..
  • UNKNOWN: ???
  • UNKNOWN: ???.
  • BAKING: The guardians seems to be always craving for her sweets, even the one who isn't fond of it.
  • WRITING: Books that she published have always been a hit to some people.
  • BEFRIENDING OTHERS: Related to her past history. Though she's trying well in the present times.
  • DRESSING UP: Her present situation call for it, but she seems to be bad with picking and wearing formal dresses that her mother and female friends have to always help her during events.
  • WIELDING WEAPONS: Though it's part of her pact with the book, she seems to be well-trained with using any weapons, even if it's her first time holding it.
  • WRITING: Her friends always compliment her for it, and would sometimes make requests with just vague information.
  • ???: At the present timeline, Jeanne has no other plans other than to live peacefully and assist certain other characters.
  • --: ---
  • BETRAYAL: As much as she wants to believe she's moved on, she's still afraid of her current friends turning their back on her.
  • ???: ???
  • STATUS: In the present timeline, Jeanne never mentioned her royal status to her human friends.
  • RACE: The girl isn't really actual human either, but close enough.












  • Flowers
  • Cookies
  • Stories/Books
  • ---


  • Claire's teasings
  • False Friendships
  • Unrealistic Endings of Stories
  • ---


  • Used to dye her hair brown when she noticed her hair turning white, and wearing black contact lenses as gold eye color was never seen as natural
  • ---
  • ---


  • "If you think I'd help protecting this continent for the second time, then maybe you should think twice."
  • "You guys are spirits. There's a thick line between that and humans, so it's no really wonder why I'm only trusting you."
  • "What kind of mess have I gotten myself into, again?!"
click to expand



Not close

Very close

Describe the relationship here. This box will not scroll.

Fusce et viverra justo. Ut vitae tellus blandit enim volutpat molestie. Morbi sit amet imperdiet risus, id aliquet ex. Morbi arcu urna, tincidunt gravida tincidunt sed, pharetra ac felis. Ut eget iaculis dui. Proin eget risus venenatis, malesuada urna vel, congue odio. Donec justo nibh, lobortis et congue id, fermentum vitae sapien. Ut ultricies urna leo, at placerat purus iaculis eget. Vivamus rutrum, purus sodales venenatis commodo, elit tortor mattis ex, a aliquet ante nulla id nisl. Vivamus viverra neque at ante sodales mollis.


"Describe Character A's thoughts on Character B here. This box will scroll.

Donec ut lacinia nisi, non finibus lectus. Aenean aliquet odio sit amet fringilla efficitur. Ut rhoncus leo et leo ornare suscipit. Donec metus neque, hendrerit vitae mauris ac, tristique ultricies lectus. Etiam convallis ipsum et dui facilisis, sit amet suscipit orci eleifend. Nam nec pretium dui. In rutrum accumsan tellus."


"Describe Character B's thoughts on Character A here. This box will scroll.

Donec ut lacinia nisi, non finibus lectus. Aenean aliquet odio sit amet fringilla efficitur. Ut rhoncus leo et leo ornare suscipit. Donec metus neque, hendrerit vitae mauris ac, tristique ultricies lectus. Etiam convallis ipsum et dui facilisis, sit amet suscipit orci eleifend. Nam nec pretium dui. In rutrum accumsan tellus."




Not close

Very close

Describe the relationship here. This box will not scroll.

Fusce et viverra justo. Ut vitae tellus blandit enim volutpat molestie. Morbi sit amet imperdiet risus, id aliquet ex. Morbi arcu urna, tincidunt gravida tincidunt sed, pharetra ac felis. Ut eget iaculis dui. Proin eget risus venenatis, malesuada urna vel, congue odio. Donec justo nibh, lobortis et congue id, fermentum vitae sapien. Ut ultricies urna leo, at placerat purus iaculis eget. Vivamus rutrum, purus sodales venenatis commodo, elit tortor mattis ex, a aliquet ante nulla id nisl. Vivamus viverra neque at ante sodales mollis.


"Describe Character A's thoughts on Character B here. This box will scroll.

Donec ut lacinia nisi, non finibus lectus. Aenean aliquet odio sit amet fringilla efficitur. Ut rhoncus leo et leo ornare suscipit. Donec metus neque, hendrerit vitae mauris ac, tristique ultricies lectus. Etiam convallis ipsum et dui facilisis, sit amet suscipit orci eleifend. Nam nec pretium dui. In rutrum accumsan tellus."


"Describe Character B's thoughts on Character A here. This box will scroll.

Donec ut lacinia nisi, non finibus lectus. Aenean aliquet odio sit amet fringilla efficitur. Ut rhoncus leo et leo ornare suscipit. Donec metus neque, hendrerit vitae mauris ac, tristique ultricies lectus. Etiam convallis ipsum et dui facilisis, sit amet suscipit orci eleifend. Nam nec pretium dui. In rutrum accumsan tellus."




Not close

Very close

Describe the relationship here. This box will not scroll.

Fusce et viverra justo. Ut vitae tellus blandit enim volutpat molestie. Morbi sit amet imperdiet risus, id aliquet ex. Morbi arcu urna, tincidunt gravida tincidunt sed, pharetra ac felis. Ut eget iaculis dui. Proin eget risus venenatis, malesuada urna vel, congue odio. Donec justo nibh, lobortis et congue id, fermentum vitae sapien. Ut ultricies urna leo, at placerat purus iaculis eget. Vivamus rutrum, purus sodales venenatis commodo, elit tortor mattis ex, a aliquet ante nulla id nisl. Vivamus viverra neque at ante sodales mollis.


"Describe Character A's thoughts on Character B here. This box will scroll.

Donec ut lacinia nisi, non finibus lectus. Aenean aliquet odio sit amet fringilla efficitur. Ut rhoncus leo et leo ornare suscipit. Donec metus neque, hendrerit vitae mauris ac, tristique ultricies lectus. Etiam convallis ipsum et dui facilisis, sit amet suscipit orci eleifend. Nam nec pretium dui. In rutrum accumsan tellus."


"Describe Character B's thoughts on Character A here. This box will scroll.

Donec ut lacinia nisi, non finibus lectus. Aenean aliquet odio sit amet fringilla efficitur. Ut rhoncus leo et leo ornare suscipit. Donec metus neque, hendrerit vitae mauris ac, tristique ultricies lectus. Etiam convallis ipsum et dui facilisis, sit amet suscipit orci eleifend. Nam nec pretium dui. In rutrum accumsan tellus."


Alysia Minami


"Shall I read your future?"

  • NICKNAME Jeanne, Aly
  • OCCUPATION Fortune Teller
  • VERSE Fantasy AU
A travelling tarot reader who offers her services for the right price
  • BIRTHDAY April 7
  • RACE Human
  • TITLE N.A.
  • CLASS N.A.
  • WEAPON/S Unknown
  • ELEMENT Dark
  • STATUS Alive


  • FOOD Sweets
  • COLOUR Violet
  • NUMBER 0
  • ANIMAL ???
  • SEASON Spring
  • TIME OF DAY Morning
  • GENRE Mystery


  • Clairvoyance
  • Precognition
  • Retrocognition
  • ---
  • ---
  • ---
  • ---



A travelling mysterious fortune teller.


Jeanne had always been able to control her anger, especially at customers who leash out on her. A smile is always on her face and she is friendly to everyone she meets. Because of this, she is an easy-to-approach person and people would usually take her readings seriously.

However, she doesn't give much care to anyone. This is mostly shown when she casually predicts her customer's death, and would only laugh at them when they beg for her help. She would also just leave them to their own devices, which is why people who have seen this, sees her as a cold person.

The girl is always willing to try new things, and she adapted her own style in tarot reading. When she does find something fascinating, she would do her best to understand what it is.


At a young age, Jeanne is avoided daily by others due to her unusual eye color, wherein she would just let it be and go to her daily routine. The young girl had a curious mind and would always explore around forests, investigating everything that is new to her, and if not, she would be hiding somewhere in the town, watching people. Jeanne would sometimes experience precognition when she's people watching, but she would only dismiss it as a child's wild imagination.

Years later, when her aunt - a fortune teller - visited them, she immediately became fascinated with the tarot cards, and would always shadow her aunt in her work. She would then ask her to teach her how to do it, to which she obliged. The aunt then became delighted when she discovered that the girl had the ability of clairvoyance, and proceeded in teaching her on how to control it.


Jeanne started wandering around, giving her services to those who can afford it. But currently, she's been opting to stay on the city's business capital.

  • READING: She usually has a book with her around.
  • FLOWER READING: The girl is still trying to practice this, and though never offered it to her customers, she seems to be having fun trying it out on her friends.
  • ---: ---
  • ---: ---
  • SEWING: Jeanne was the one who sews her dress, and other outfits.
  • CUSTOMER SERVICE: She always adjusts her attitude towards others, and many people have kept asking for her services with the way she handles it.
  • BEFRIENDING OTHERS: Though she can easily interact with others, Jeanne can be pretty bad with making her own friends, hence she only has a handful.
  • ---: ---
  • TAROT READING: One of her most common services. Though not always accurate, it sometimes gives out a vague idea on what's about to come in the future.
  • ---: ---
  • BECOME RICH: Jeanne wants those money to make sure she's going to live a wonderful life until the end
  • GETTING MARRIED: Though Jeanne likes travelling around and interacting with different kinds of people, she would very much like to settle down with someone already.
  • BEING ALONE: She seems to be uncomfortable for most of the time when she's just by herself.
  • ---: ---
  • ???: It had been noted by others that she seems to be going in and out of the forest way too frequently. She only says she's visiting someone, but never elaborated more than that.
  • ---: ---












  • Tarot Cards
  • Flowers
  • Mystery
  • Crystals


  • People who hate fortune telling
  • Anyone who destroys forests
  • ---
  • ---


  • Jeanne never introduces herself with her real name, hence only a handful of people know what it is.
  • She used to work part-time as florist.
  • She, herself, doesn't trust her own precognition, but she does need the money so she include it on her services
  • A character I used on a DnD group. The group have been taken down so I moved her to a new Fantasy AU of mine


  • "It seems that you'll be having a wonderful relationship in the future."
  • "The cards have predicted your future."
  • "Please come again next time~"
click to expand



Not close

Very close

Describe the relationship here. This box will not scroll.

Fusce et viverra justo. Ut vitae tellus blandit enim volutpat molestie. Morbi sit amet imperdiet risus, id aliquet ex. Morbi arcu urna, tincidunt gravida tincidunt sed, pharetra ac felis. Ut eget iaculis dui. Proin eget risus venenatis, malesuada urna vel, congue odio. Donec justo nibh, lobortis et congue id, fermentum vitae sapien. Ut ultricies urna leo, at placerat purus iaculis eget. Vivamus rutrum, purus sodales venenatis commodo, elit tortor mattis ex, a aliquet ante nulla id nisl. Vivamus viverra neque at ante sodales mollis.


"Describe Character A's thoughts on Character B here. This box will scroll.

Donec ut lacinia nisi, non finibus lectus. Aenean aliquet odio sit amet fringilla efficitur. Ut rhoncus leo et leo ornare suscipit. Donec metus neque, hendrerit vitae mauris ac, tristique ultricies lectus. Etiam convallis ipsum et dui facilisis, sit amet suscipit orci eleifend. Nam nec pretium dui. In rutrum accumsan tellus."


"Describe Character B's thoughts on Character A here. This box will scroll.

Donec ut lacinia nisi, non finibus lectus. Aenean aliquet odio sit amet fringilla efficitur. Ut rhoncus leo et leo ornare suscipit. Donec metus neque, hendrerit vitae mauris ac, tristique ultricies lectus. Etiam convallis ipsum et dui facilisis, sit amet suscipit orci eleifend. Nam nec pretium dui. In rutrum accumsan tellus."




Not close

Very close

Describe the relationship here. This box will not scroll.

Fusce et viverra justo. Ut vitae tellus blandit enim volutpat molestie. Morbi sit amet imperdiet risus, id aliquet ex. Morbi arcu urna, tincidunt gravida tincidunt sed, pharetra ac felis. Ut eget iaculis dui. Proin eget risus venenatis, malesuada urna vel, congue odio. Donec justo nibh, lobortis et congue id, fermentum vitae sapien. Ut ultricies urna leo, at placerat purus iaculis eget. Vivamus rutrum, purus sodales venenatis commodo, elit tortor mattis ex, a aliquet ante nulla id nisl. Vivamus viverra neque at ante sodales mollis.


"Describe Character A's thoughts on Character B here. This box will scroll.

Donec ut lacinia nisi, non finibus lectus. Aenean aliquet odio sit amet fringilla efficitur. Ut rhoncus leo et leo ornare suscipit. Donec metus neque, hendrerit vitae mauris ac, tristique ultricies lectus. Etiam convallis ipsum et dui facilisis, sit amet suscipit orci eleifend. Nam nec pretium dui. In rutrum accumsan tellus."


"Describe Character B's thoughts on Character A here. This box will scroll.

Donec ut lacinia nisi, non finibus lectus. Aenean aliquet odio sit amet fringilla efficitur. Ut rhoncus leo et leo ornare suscipit. Donec metus neque, hendrerit vitae mauris ac, tristique ultricies lectus. Etiam convallis ipsum et dui facilisis, sit amet suscipit orci eleifend. Nam nec pretium dui. In rutrum accumsan tellus."




Not close

Very close

Describe the relationship here. This box will not scroll.

Fusce et viverra justo. Ut vitae tellus blandit enim volutpat molestie. Morbi sit amet imperdiet risus, id aliquet ex. Morbi arcu urna, tincidunt gravida tincidunt sed, pharetra ac felis. Ut eget iaculis dui. Proin eget risus venenatis, malesuada urna vel, congue odio. Donec justo nibh, lobortis et congue id, fermentum vitae sapien. Ut ultricies urna leo, at placerat purus iaculis eget. Vivamus rutrum, purus sodales venenatis commodo, elit tortor mattis ex, a aliquet ante nulla id nisl. Vivamus viverra neque at ante sodales mollis.


"Describe Character A's thoughts on Character B here. This box will scroll.

Donec ut lacinia nisi, non finibus lectus. Aenean aliquet odio sit amet fringilla efficitur. Ut rhoncus leo et leo ornare suscipit. Donec metus neque, hendrerit vitae mauris ac, tristique ultricies lectus. Etiam convallis ipsum et dui facilisis, sit amet suscipit orci eleifend. Nam nec pretium dui. In rutrum accumsan tellus."


"Describe Character B's thoughts on Character A here. This box will scroll.

Donec ut lacinia nisi, non finibus lectus. Aenean aliquet odio sit amet fringilla efficitur. Ut rhoncus leo et leo ornare suscipit. Donec metus neque, hendrerit vitae mauris ac, tristique ultricies lectus. Etiam convallis ipsum et dui facilisis, sit amet suscipit orci eleifend. Nam nec pretium dui. In rutrum accumsan tellus."