


4 years, 21 days ago


Age: 23

Gender: Male

Abilities: Flight, invisibility, alternate form

Desc.: Cocky, laid-back, son of a weasel always looking to stroke his own ego. He’s definitely a player, easily moving from one girlfriend to the next with little to no emotion. He has little interest in “love”, and really only “dates” for social status. He’s a total slob and doesn’t clean up after himself. His room, like his hair, are constantly in a state of disarray, unkempt and messy. He has numerous scars, the most prominent ones being the puncture scar under his lip and whatever he keeps hidden under the bandage on his neck. No one really knows for sure how he got them. Always causing mischief and pranks, he’s always a fun guy to be around... when he isn’t being a total pain in the backside, that is. He has many scars on his body, he never tells anyone how he got them. Most of them are covered up by clothing and/or bandages, like whatever he hides under the bandage on his neck. Except for the mark under his lip, which is unable to be covered up.

(Note: he is not literally the son of a weasel)