


4 years, 12 days ago


"She holds her head high, thinking she's better than everybody else, and yet she's envious of everyone around her. All that just because she can't bring herself to become a better person."

Name: Nephele, but prefers Nepe with cats close to her

Tribe: Vatra


Nepe is really lazy and hates doing physically hard things like hunting or running. She thinks she's always right and will argue with others if she has an different opinion. She isn't afraid to be mean to others and most likely will be really harsh with her choice of words during arguments and fights. She hates having responsibilities on her shoulders and usually doesn't care about them at all. Nepe is also really selfish and would do anything for her own favour. Nephele is that type of person that if she'd see something she wants, she would get it on a way or another. Would steal stuff and manipulate others to do stuff for her own benefits without a question. She is briefly a terrible person and knows it but doesn't have the will to change herself.

Likes: Food, she's a fat bby. She also likes beautiful and sparkly things like rocks ect.

Hates: Exerice. Getting physically hurt. Things she can't get or have.