Aiyajan Starroke (Notes)



4 years, 2 months ago


Notes while watching The Force Awakens:

Was on Jakku, but didn’t participate in carnage.
She is often ordered to accompany the Ren Knights by General Hux
She had her reservations about the First Order before the events of Jakku
Notices FN-2187’s hesitation 

Face to Face with Poe for the first time after he’s captured. 
“Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. A. Minute. Poe Dameron? Like, the same asshole who shot me down last month Poe Dameron? That Poe Dameron?”
“Sure am, sweetheart. What, want an autograph?”
“You’re lucky I don’t kick you in the balls right now.”

Confronts Kylo Ren after ordering the villagers to be killed.
“No! You can’t do that! Call it off! You--”
He uses the force choke on her. “You’re lucky you’re such a coveted pilot.” 

Poe witnesses her confrontation with Kylo Ren as he’s being boarded 

When Kylo Ren is extracting information from Poe, Aiyajan is in the cell with them
“That’s enough, Kylo! You’ll get nothing if he’s dead!” 
He uses the force to throw her into the wall. “I don’t recall asking you for your opinion.”
Poe: Enough! Enough! Don’t hurt her again! The map is in my droid, my BB-8 Unit!
After Kylo Ren walks out:
Aiyajan: Why…did you reveal that to him?
Poe: You may be the enemy, but you’re still a woman. He had no right to hurt you like that. Besides, I have faith in BB-8, and I have faith in the Resistance. Your people will never capture my droid.

When Finn and Poe steal a TIE fighter, she runs to the Bay 2 hanger and views the choas
“What the hell is this?!”

Part of the squad sent back to Jakku. She is specifically tasked with going to the wreckage site. 
“What fucking wreckage?!”

The murder of the Hosnian System was the last straw for her

Tracks the Millennium Falcon to Planet Takodana to assist Finn and his new friends
Shoots the Stormtrooper fighting with Finn
Is gathered with Han, Finn, and Chewie 

When the Resistance arrives to help: 
“Quick!” Han glances towards Aiyajan. “Yes, even you!”
“Send me the coordinates. I’ll take my TIE!”

Rough landing on the tarmac at the Resistance base
Her TIE is intact
She hit her head to the point it’s bleeding
When she emerges from her TIE, Poe, Snap, and Jessika surround her. Even with her hands up, she’s shot from a distance by a stun gun. 
Poe catches her in his arms. 
When unconscious and brought to Leia, Poe convinces holding her as prisoner rather than killing her
Wakes up with stuncuffs on her wrist as they’re talking about thir plan to take down Starbase Killer
She convinces Leia to allow her to help
Fights in her TIE since she can’t fly an X-Wing 
Gets shot down
Poe has enough time before the planet blows up to retrieve her

**Poe and Aiya constantly go against each other in their fighters before the events on Jakku, so they are already somewhat acquainted. She is able to talk to him because she is able to manipulate/hack communication systems
**While most TIE fighters have two seats, Aiya has a specialized TIE with one. She calls it Elaine. Because it is specialized, it has increased speed and accuracy, but does not hold as much firepower. 
**Wakes up before Finn in VIII

**I imagine Poe as also pretty chivalrous and the scene where Kylo knows the map is in BB-8 is pretty ambiguous. So I went with Poe telling him to stop Kylo from hurting Aiya.