


7 years, 5 months ago


  • Sylfrid

  • nickname Sylf/Sylfie
  • age unknown
  • gender female
  • species huldra
  • - -

serious • watchful • seductive • quiet • solitary • mysterious • elusive • possessive • jealous • curious

[Note: Sylfrid is not meant to be an accurate representation of the mythology/folklore she is based on.]

Sylfrid is a huldra, a being from Scandinavian mythology which, in some cases, is described as looking like a beautiful woman but with a hollow back like an old tree trunk, and a cow-like or fox-like tail. They can either be benign or malignant, some helping humans while others act more like a siren, luring men to their doom. Sylfrid is the latter sort. With her glamour, she can make herself irresistible, and is dangerous to those that get on her bad side.

name pronunciation seel-freed

height 5'7" (170 cm)

build curvy, toned, medium-sized bust

pronouns she/her

s.o. uncertain

dob unknown

sign Taurus

alignment Unseelie/chaotic neutral

mbti ISTJ-A


  • nature
  • forests
  • trees
  • caves
  • watching others
  • flirting
  • being in control


  • humans
  • man-made objects/structures
  • someone getting close to her back
  • being disrespected
  • anything that harms nature
  • being ignored
  • bright lights


Huldra can be considered a type of fae, and like many fae, Sylfrid possesses the power of glamour. It can be used to make herself irresistible. Similar to a siren, Sylfrid can lure people to their deaths by using her glamour. She can also make them do her bidding, as a willing, yet mindless, slave. She can also use this power to cause insanity. This power, along with her supernatural strength, makes her dangerous to anyone who gets on her bad side, although she doesn't like to use it much (this will only be used on characters that I have the player's permission from).

Other Abilities

  • Strength. Huldra are said to be able to straighten a horseshoe.
  • Semi-prehensile tail. She can't grab things with her tail, but she can move it in ways most animals can't.


Sylfrid is the keeper/guardian of a forest in Norway, though she lives underneath the forest itself, in a vast network of underground caverns. Her family lives in the same network but are usually in other forests and don't often meet. She has little knowledge of other places and beings aside from what she's heard from others, but her curiosity drives her to occasionally travel to explore distant places.

Sylfrid tends to keep to herself, and is generally distrustful of strangers, preferring to stay hidden. But she may investigate someone/thing out of curiosity. She's more likely to engage with someone she finds interesting, and has a tendency to become flirty when she's more comfortable.

Though she is dangerous, Sylfrid has little interest in harming anyone who hasn't done anything to her. She dislikes humans, but prefers to stay away from them rather than attacking, as long as they leave her and her forest alone. A human that is too persistant might be attacked or cursed, though Sylfrid is more likely to try to run or hide first. But she will go after anyone that does harm to the forest. It's not impossible for a human to gain her trust, but it would really take someone special to do that.

Like others of her kind, Sylfrid hates having anyone get too close to her back, and touching the hollow part (if they even manage to get close enough) will result in Sylfrid either running away, attacking, or even cursing the offender. She will only allow her back to be touched by members of her own species and by those who have managed to earn enough of her trust.

While not typically violent, if offended, Sylfrid tends to be very vindictive. She will hold a grudge, and if the offender is allowed to live, getting on her good side will be nearly impossible. If it's someone she already likes, she may be slightly more forgiving, but repairing the relationship will still be a long-shot.



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[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.

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