Felix Rossi



4 years, 29 days ago


Felix Rossi



Name Felix Lorenzo Rossi
Epic Parent Queen Anna of Arendelle (Biological), King Kristoff of Arendelle (Biological), King Adam of Vertis (Unoffical)
Gender Male (He/him)
Age 16 (Febuary 20th, 2004)
World Grimm Academy (Grimm Realm)
Occupation Minor Epic

"Eat real food, but all signs point to 'put it in your mouth'."

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Felix is a very high energy boy. He's excited, happy, and generally looks on the positive side. Even when he doubts himself, he often shoves the thoughts away into a dark, forgetabble place and decides that he doesn't need negativeity right now. Even without his powerset, Felix still manages to endlessly bring smiles to people faces. In the darkest of times, he is an unrivaled beacon of hope. While he possesses a low intelligence, he seems to be wiser than he comes off at times. Felix also is extremely caring, and determined. Despite being set back by his issues with learning, he still strives to learn everything he can, and be a positive influence on those around him.

Despite all his positivity, however, Felix displays an extremely unhealthy coping mechanism. He often puts anything that makes him upset into his "Lake of Forgotten Memories" and bottles his negative emotions up. While he tries to be positive by venting these emotions and getting therapy, he still has yet to find a way to vent them and come to terms with them. He's also extremely posessive over his closest loved ones- Flynn Rossi to name someone in particular. His relationship with his brother is partially the basis of which he surrounds his personality around, and Felix finds it difficult to properly function without him.


Felix stands at a whole 5'8" tall, although he expects himself to grow. He has a soft jawline and round face, with three scars that mar his right cheek and on his right eyebrow (1 cheek, 2 eyebrow). Felix's eyebrows are thick and sturdy. His nose is slightly crooked from being broken and rebroken, and that combined with the scar on his cheek causes his cheesy grin to be crooked. His skin is even, except it is dappled with freckles. It possesses a slight olive tone, and is pleseantly tanned. He has kinky, curly hair thair is about shoulder length, and is thick and often difficult to tame, although soft. He also has a thick, white streak of hair that starts at his widow's peak. His eyes are round, and are a milk chocolate tone, and always seem to be filled with happiness. As far as scars on his body goes, his left arm is dull and slightly lifeless from fingertip to elbow. He also has a large gash across his left arm, as well as having a larger cut on his left thumb and the back of his palm. He has a slash in his right shoulder, as well as horizontally across his right inner thigh.

Post his time at Grimm Academy, and as an adult, Felix doesn't change all that much. As an adult, he stands at 6'1". He gathers more scars, but they're not that signifigant. During his last few days at the academy, Felix had gotten tattoos alongside the rest of the nightmarians, and had gotten other ones later on. The first tattoo he got was his nightmarian tattoo, which was a dragon backed by frozen, icy crocus flowers. It spans down his left side, covering a mass of scars that occured as the result of both a car accident when he was 13 and in the mortal realm, and an attack on Arendelle when they were fleeing. Felix also has three roses over his heart, to signify the three of the most impactful people in his life: One for his twin brother, the Rose of Vertis. One for his best friend, Melrose. One for his only daughter, Rose. As he gets older, Felix grows his hair out, often keeping it kept back in a braid. The white streaks never go away.

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Flynn Rossiis Felix's psuedo twin brother. They grew up together, and were closer than anything as they grew up. Seriously, as far as Felix is concerned- if there's an issue with one of them, you can always go to the other to sort it out. He adores his brother, and would probably die for him. He supports Flynn in his antics so long as the boy isn't putting himself or anyone else in danger, which seems to be all too often. He admires his twin's strength and smartness, and aims to become as strong and smart as him, so that Flynn doesn't need to spend all his time protecting him. However, he also worries to the high heavens for his twin. He's petrified something will happen to him- and with all the recent events getting more and more dangerous, Felix feels like he's slacking on being the Perfect Big Brother. When Flynn isn't around, Felix finds himself semi-nonfunctional- he just can't work properly without his twin. He has a terrible time sleeping, often forgets to eat meals or drink something, and generally has forgotten his own limits. Flynn's personal nickname is "Flyboy".

Jellrich Von Nest is Felix's Tall Friendℒ️. He's one of two people Felix met at band camp! He's the GM of their dnd game, and one of many people Felix aspires to emulate and talk with on a better level than his basic understanding. Often, Felix is confused by Jellrich's strange, british lingo, but he does his best to memorize and understand what they mean, despite it not always working. He thinks Jellrich is one of the coolest people in the world, and hopes that maybe, one day, he can be as witty as this boy. Although, recently, Felix has found himself fighting with Jellrich more. He finds that sometimes he feels like the cocky, word filled brit gets on his nerves, or feels belittled. It's usually one or the other's fault, and it results in Felix just... not talking to Jellrich until he's calmed down. Jellrich's personal nickname is "Jelly".

Melrose Jeffreys is Felix's Token Girl Friendℒ️. She's the other people he met at band camp, despite her actually going to the dance camp on the other side of the lake. Felix appreciates her spicyness and her courage to be herself. He adores watching her ballets and hopes that maybe, some day, he can be as graceful and strong as she is. He really admires her, and wouldn't trade her for the world. Felix often feels that Melrose is easily done with him, but he similarly reassures himself that it's just his inability to meet her level of amazingness that causes it, and that even good friends sometimes get on eachothers nerves. She's also Felix's best friend. He's very posessive of her, and while he wishes he could keep her around all the time, and to himself, it... just doesn't work like that. He knows better than to voice his posessiveness of her, but sometimes he can't help but let it shine through. If there's an issue with Felix, and Flynn can't solve it, Melrose probably can. Melrose's personal nickname is "Melly".

Noa Takahashi is Felix's girlfriend. He considers her one of the closest people he knows outside of his "dndork"/"vagabond" quartet. There's a running gag of every time she changes her appearance, he refers to her as "Mystery Girl", because he fails to recognize her, like clockwork. She's also the first person Felix would turn to if he needs to vent his feelings, and finds her to be... particularly calming. Noa and Felix share a waltz that began in the Wonderball, and have yet to finish for various reasons, though later on deciding that they would leave it unfinished as a sort of... "thing" they share. He is completely enamored by her, and strives to be his best self for her. He also wants to protect her, even though it's really Noa doing the protecting of him. Noa's personal nickname is "Almond Joy".


Felix is from New York City, adopted by an old couple (Elena and Mateo Rossi) who, as hard as they tried, could not have children. He has a large family, consisting of Flynn Rossi (Adopted, twin brother), Elena and Mateo Rossi (parents), Beppe, Giovanni, and Leonardo Rossi (Uncles), Lucdina Rossi (Aunt), and Lorenzo and Rio Rossi(Cousins). The family runs a resturant called Rossi's which is a very good front for an active mafia. There has always been more people than the twins could count around, but those listed are the most influential family members.

Felix was born to Anna and Kristoff in Arendelle. As a baby, he was able to stay two months with her before she had to give him up to the mortal realm, as they were planning to have a second epic child from them both, and they were anxious their family would be ridiculed by other epics for having more than one child. There, he went into adoption, where he was later adopted alongside Flynn by Mateo and Elena Rossi. Felix then returns to the Grimm Realm with his brother, Flynn, only to be claimed in Arendelle by Anna less than a day later. Kristoff is too put off by his other son's death, and hesitates to also claim Felix until two months later, after a fight with Gothel, that he claims Felix, and reveals that he is the true prince of Arendelle.

After his fate is revealed, Felix learns that he is to explore the world with his three fellow Vagabonds, Jellrich, Melrose, and Flynn. They spend years together, foraging, camping, exploring, and generally having a good time. Felix occupies his free time with writing and sending letters to his long time love, Noa Takahashi, and with going on rides with his lovely reindeer, Bjork. Though the start of their journey together was rocky, it eventually ends when Jellrich and Melrose finally solidify their relationship and get married. Felix retires to Arendelle for some time, where he advises both parents. He spends plenty of time with his cousin Pluto as well, but eventually decides that it's time to go and be with the woman he'd been pining for since he was sixteen- Noa. He leaves for Motuni, where he lives the cottage core dream with her and his eventual daughter, Rose. He gets into a pattern of returning to Arendelle for a month every year, to spend time with his arendellian family.


● Felix originally thought his middle name, Lorenzo, came from his older cousin, Lorenzo Rossi. However, when he learned he was adopted, he realized his middle name comes from his biological father- Lorenzo Manici. This is later proved to be true when Felix is double claimed by Kristoff.

● His favorite color is "yellorange", a perfect cross between yellow and orange.

● Growing up, his favorite comfort food was "chocolate spaghetti". It was terrible.

● Felix planned to drop out of school before the next schoolyear. Grimm Academy screwed up that plan. Only he, Noa Takahashi, and his parents know this.

● His twin birthday is April 23rd, 2004. This birthday was proven to be false in a conversation with his mother, Anna. He still celebrates it, as a token of brotherhood with his twin.

● According to Homestuck, his godtier title would be Maid of Hope.

profile html by Hukiolukio