

3 years, 11 months ago



  •  Name  Ivory 
  •  Age  19 
  •  Height  5"2 
  •  Occupation  Non specified 
  •  Sexuality  Bisexual 
  • Personality
  •  Ivory is a textbook tsundere. She comes off very cold and uninterested to those who aren't close to her and do not know her well, but as much as she hates to admit it she loves attention. Around those who she is close with, she is a completely different person. Energetic, cuddly, and if you're close enough she will tease you a bunch. She has your typical "small but feisty" energy that tends to be a running joke. She has even been nicknamed "ankle biter" by her friends and "shrimp" by her significant other Jun. She will fight you for stealing her food and probably take an arm in vengeance. On her own though, she is a very laid back quiet person. Her energy comes out around others. The only one aside from herself that sees her soft emotional quite side is Jun. She prefers to keep to herself and has a very small close group of friends and spends most of her time either alone or with Jun when he gets off work.

  •  Likes    
FOODS: Shrimp chips, fruit cream sandwiches, ramen, boba, miso soup, chicken katsu curry, sushi ( specifically salmon, yellow tail, eel and crunchy rolls ), lychee ramune, and other comfort foods. Some extra more specific things she likes is curry buns, salted milk bread, lobster, and mostly all generally sweet deserts ( especially stuff like tiramisu )

PLACES TO BE: The convenience store at night, the city ( she likes the countryside but only to visit, she is a very city oriented person ), the beach/boardwalk, her small apartment

GENERAL OTHER LIKES: Anime, naps, rain/storm season, skateboarding, being with her significant other/cuddling/etc, getting attention, being pet ( if you are trusted, don't even try it otherwise unless you want to loose your hands ), etc.

  • Dislikes    
  • FOODS: Spicy stuff ( she can handle it but prefers her food mild to enjoy it's flavor more ), olives, pickles

  • PLACES TO BE: She can only stand the countryside for so long. She likes to visit for it's beauty, but prefers to be back home in the busy city. Anywhere it is hot
GENERAL OTHER DISLIKES: Wearing lots of fabric. She has major sensory sensitivity caused by her adhd and having a lot of clothes makes her want to rip her skin off, which is why her usual outfit is just a sports bra, shorts and a jacket (if needed). Loud eaters, she will bite your hand off if you chew with your mouth open. Heat/hot weather. Her thick fur makes it really hard to enjoy summer as much as she loves the beach

  •  Daily Life 
    Ivory lives in a small studio apartment in a busy part of japan's city life ( specific prefecture is undecided ). She visits the local convenience store which is directly across the street from her place pretty much every night. Jun ended up moving in not long after they began to get close and they now live together in Ivory's studio that is across the street from where jun works ( the convenience store, where they met ). She spends most of her time either lounging around and watching anime and youtube or spending time with Jun, or she is out getting street food and shopping as much as her wallet can handle
  • qnJb3oX.jpgcCJaoGM.jpg Important Things to Note When Drawing:
    • Ivory can be drawn either busty or flat chested. If you want to take the realistic route she is a B cup but you can draw any bust size 
    • Her body type is petit but she has a thicker lower half of her body. Her thighs are on the thick side ( they don't have a gap ). Though if you are unable to or uncomfortable drawing that body type you may draw her however you want !! This part is just here for those that want to take a realistic route. Anything works !!
    • Her hair is SHORT !! The hair cuts off at the black part as seen on the ref. She can have an optional tiny ponytail but it has to be small and short. Hair is also not optional !!
    • Her canines are always slightly showing when her mouth is closed, ref is on the drawing for that !!
    • Her red "eyeliner" isn't optional !! It is a fur marking, even though I call it eyeliner lmao it just works
  •  Outfits: Ivory's outfit board on Pinterest can be found here - https://pin.it/18s4JXS

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