[ D&D ] Raine



4 years, 17 days ago


Full Name: Raine

Race: Elf

Class: Fighter

Age: Unknown, looks 20's

  • she's from a pretty modest family, one of which is adoptive and very open to races
  • her brother is a human male, who she's dragged along on her adventure with her; he ended up getting gravely injured on one of their adventures and had to go back home
  • her family owns a small tavern where she used to waitress which allowed her to listen in on the many tales that adventurers told one another
  • she's eager to prove herself as an adventurer so she can one day join a guild
  • she's very in tune with nature and can almost always calm an animal or on the lucky chance, a monster as well
  • she's great at seduction and diplomacy, often using the two together in conversations to reach a fruitful conclusion
  • she's hella bi, but she leans more towards women and because of it, she sometimes acts aloof towards other females because 1) she's afraid of catching feels and 2) she knows it's looked down upon
  • her weapon is a single gauntlet, which she wears on her dominant hand so she can punch things