


3 years, 11 months ago


Who cares if one more light goes out? In a sky of a million stars, It flickers, flickers.





Young Adult




20th July













Fav. Colour

Dark Grey


Fav. Food


Fav. Band

Linkin Park




To make a positive impact



Linkin is a sighthound cross with a sweet and caring nature. His lanky build showcases his sighthound heritage, with his visible ribs and spine. Though slightly underweight, he remains healthy and active.

Linkin's light fawn coat is accentuated by white splashes on his underside and legs. His predominantly white face boasts fawn freckles near his nose, while two dots adorn his eyes. His brown nose bears a distinctive pink semi colon marking. Notably, Linkin's thigh carries a large black tattoo depicting the logo of his favorite band, Linkin Park.With a grungy fashion sense influenced by skateboarding culture, Linkin is often seen donning a beanie, wristbands, and a green leather collar. His most prized possession, a magical lantern, hangs around his neck, illuminating dark times with hope.Beneath his caring exterior lies a history of loss and struggle, resulting in PTSD and depression. Nevertheless, Linkin remains resilient, focusing on others and happily offering hugs to anyone in need.His love for skateboarding and music provides solace, and he passionately dedicates himself to helping and caring for others. However, this selflessness occasionally leads to burnout, as Linkin's dedication leaves him feeling unable to meet the needs of those who rely on him.


Positive traits

  • Empathetic
  • Loyal
  • Resilient

Negative traits

  • Self-neglect
  • Carefree
  • Boundaryless

At the core of Linkin is his unwavering empathy and care for those around him. He possesses a deep understanding of others' emotions and is always there to offer support and comfort. Linkin's loyalty knows no bounds, as he stands by the people he loves through thick and thin, making their well-being a top priority.

Resilience is another key aspect of Linkin's personality. Despite facing significant hardships, including battles with mental illnesses and the loss of loved ones, he demonstrates remarkable strength in bouncing back and finding hope in even the darkest times. Linkin's ability to persevere and remain dedicated to helping others is truly inspiring.However, Linkin also grapples with several challenges. His tendency to neglect his own well-being and mental health in his selfless pursuit of caring for others often leads to burnout and distress. He struggles to establish boundaries, diving deeply into the lives of those he loves, sometimes overstepping and causing discomfort.Linkin's carefree nature adds a unique dimension to his personality. He approaches life with spontaneity and a go-with-the-flow attitude, often disregarding the need for planning or organisation. While this can bring a sense of freedom and lightheartedness, it can also create stress and frustration for those around him.Throughout his journey, Linkin experiences moments of doubt, questioning his own abilities and fearing that he may be a burden to others. Despite his confidence in providing support, negative reactions or breaches of boundaries can trigger self-doubt and self-reflection.


Linkin's life was a tapestry woven with threads of love, loss, and resilience. Born into a world of sorrow, he experienced the pain of losing friends to suicide, leaving deep scars on his heart. Yet, within the darkness, Linkin discovered his own guiding light. His lantern, a cherished possession, symbolised hope and provided solace during his own battles with depression. With a tender heart and a caring spirit, he dedicated himself to helping others, offering hugs as a balm for their wounds. Through the ups and downs, Linkin's unwavering loyalty and empathy became his legacy, a testament to the transformative power of compassion.


During a significant period of Linkin's life, he wholeheartedly assumed the role of caretaker for his dear friend, Romance. Their friendship had deepened through a shared love for music, but it was during this particular phase that their bond grew stronger than ever.

Linkin understood the profound grief and pain that Romance was grappling with following the tragic loss of his girlfriend, Helena, to an overdose. Drawing from his own experiences of loss and battles with mental health, Linkin empathised deeply with Romance's struggles, recognising the immense weight that grief carried.With unwavering dedication and compassion, Linkin became the rock upon which Romance could lean. He created a safe space where Romance could freely express his emotions, knowing that his feelings would be met with understanding and acceptance. Linkin offered a listening ear without judgment, providing solace during the darkest moments of despair.Linkin's own struggles with self-neglect and boundary-setting resurfaced during this period. He often put Romance's needs above his own, neglecting his own mental health and well-being in the process. It was a delicate balancing act, as Linkin learned to care for himself while caring for Romance, realising the importance of self-care to sustain his own strength.In those moments when Romance experienced relapses and contemplated self-harm, Linkin remained a constant presence, extending a helping hand and providing a shoulder to lean on. He reassured Romance that he was never alone, reminding him of the love and support that surrounded him.Through their shared love for music, Linkin and Romance found solace and healing. They spent countless hours playing guitar together, finding refuge in melodies that spoke to their souls. The music became a powerful source of catharsis and connection, allowing them to navigate their pain and find moments of respite. As time went on, Romance began to heal. Scars of loss and guilt remained, but Linkin's unwavering support had played an instrumental part in helping him find hope and resilience. Linkin celebrated every milestone in Romance's journey, recognising the resilience within his friend.

One More Light

The room fell into a state of despair and anguish as Linkin stumbled upon the harrowing scene before him. His heart pounded in his chest, his eyes wide with shock and horror. Romance was stood trembling, his arms slashed open and a noose ominously hanging from the ceiling. Tears welled up in Romance's eyes, reflecting the profound pain and fear that consumed him. In his paw, he clutched a folded-up letter, a testament to the darkness that had engulfed his soul.

Linkin's lantern glowed with a radiant intensity, its golden sparkles and embers casting a flickering light in the dim room. Without a moment's hesitation, he rushed to Romance's side, enfolding him in a tight embrace. Romance remained motionless, his tears silently streaming down his cheeks, overwhelmed by the weight of his own actions.This traumatic sight triggered a severe relapse of Linkin's PTSD, but he chose to bear this burden alone, afraid of burdening others with his own pain. Night after night, he battled haunting nightmares, never allowing himself a moment of respite. He became unhealthily dependent on Romance, his constant presence a desperate attempt to protect him from any further harm.However, Linkin's suffocating overprotectiveness began to suffocate Romance, as the once-appreciated support transformed into a stifling presence. Frustrations reached a breaking point, and Romance lashed out, shattering Linkin's fragile heart. The weight of the moment pushed Linkin to contemplate his own demise, his lantern falling from his neck as the golden glow waned, leaving him enveloped in darkness.Days passed, with Linkin isolated and disconnected from the world around him. And then, in an unexpected turn of events, Romance burst back into Linkin's life with a depth of care and empathy that Linkin had never experienced before. It was a rare occasion where Linkin allowed himself to ask for help, and the outpouring of love filled his soul, like a healing balm. Gradually, Linkin regained his strength, humbly apologising to Romance for overstepping boundaries and recognising the need to respect personal space. The journey to recovery was ongoing, for his PTSD remained a constant companion, but Linkin's determination to grow and become the best version of himself never wavered.



Best Friend

Linkin and Romance formed a deep bond through their shared love for music and their mutual experiences of loss and healing. While their relationship faced challenges, their friendship endured, strengthened by forgiveness, growth, and a profound understanding of each other's struggles.



Blair and Linkin share a deep and supportive relationship, bonded by their love for music. Linkin provides unwavering support and a listening ear, while their shared passion creates a strong connection between them.



Linkin and Socks share a close and carefree friendship. They bond over music and outdoor activities, providing a positive and joyful retreat for Linkin from his caretaking roles. Socks brings a sense of fun and relaxation to their relationship.