


4 years, 25 days ago


"Man I wish they had this dress in pink"


~157.5 cm

Excellent communicator; has an air about her that makes other characters open up very quickly.  She is honest, but not brutally so.  Lucy's virtue is her calmness, which other characters often commend her for.  
Lucy tends to let her heart decide, which is said to be a vice for relic hunters.  She spends too much time thinking about her future.  She is aggressive about her goals and seeks help from others in order to reach them.
Also: she's a "bruh" girl

Relic Hunter: Climber
Explanation: In my comic's world, there are special monsters who live deep in caverns that possess "relics," which are special items that humans need in order to survive.  Relic Hunters are professional cavers who specialize in going on missions to locate, defeat, and extract relics from those monsters.  Relic hunting crews are made up of six cavers: an expedition leader, a tactician, a combatant, two climbers, and an intern.

Theme color

Accent color

Lucy developed a habit of only buying pink clothes a while ago, so now her entire closet is like that.  Needless to say, all of her outfits are monochromatic.  Lucy loves to wear berets and vigorously accessorize.  She diversifies textures in many of her outfits (leather, cotton, silk, fuzzy stuff, etc) and will often dress more for fun than for fashion.  As a result, some of her outfits are wack, but whatever!!  Her friends and coworkers are very supportive; they love her style and look for her at work to see what she is wearing.  
When she hastily gets married to Roy in season 2, Lucy wears a pink dress to the courthouse.

Makeup style
As previously mentioned, Lucy keeps it monochromatic with her looks.  Makeup is no exception.  Her eyeshadow palette literally only has pink in it.  Pink over neutrals.  There are no laws!!  There is one law!  Everything must be pink!

Lucy wears as many accessories as she wants to.  Layer them on!!! 

Lucy wears her kneepads over her jumpsuit to make them easier to adjust.  Her climbing gear is pink.
Since she is on Crew Delta, her uniform is marked with triangles.


  • Roy- Lucy's childhood friend and eventual love interest.  She spends more time with him than with anyone else in the story and is still amazed that he manages to be there for her every time she needs him.  "I like 'em big, I like 'em chunky," she says.
  • Elias - She thinks he's weird, but there is something endearing about his personality that makes her want to support him.  "I don't know if I like Elias or if I just like raccoons," she says.
  • Ana - Ana and Lucy are close friends, and they hang out outside of work.  They share fashion as an interest and do a lot of girl talk.  As Ana has lots of work experience and is generally well-poised, Lucy looks up to her.  "I'm glad we're on the same crew," Lucy says.  
  • Merlin - Lucy doesn't dislike Merlin, but she doesn't like him either.  "It's easier to tolerate him in theory," she says.  "I like him better when he's not talking."
  • Krone - Crew Charlie's combatant.  Krone was a climber on Crew Charlie when Lucy did her internship (she did her internship at Crew Charlie).  They get along well enough.
  • Robin - Lucy thinks she's cute and innocent, but too naive for this job.  She pities Robin.
  • Amber - Lucy doesn't like the vibes that Amber gives off, and she feels like Crew Delta is more tense with Amber as the intern than it was before Robin's injury.  
  • Sofya - Sis... can you select better interns???


  • Lucy's original name was Ursula, and she looked like a zombie in her first design.  I am very pleased with Lucy's current design.
  • Contrary to my favorite color being blue and the fact that I am terrified of using warm colors in my art, Lucy's theme color is pink.  What better way to force myself to get used to using warm colors than to absolutely spam my protagonist with them

Technical details for the comic:

Relic Hunter information
Lucy is on Delta Crew

  • relic hunter badge
  • cave diving license
  • CPR & first aid certification
  • dormant excavation
  • hostile excavation