


7 years, 5 months ago


Name: Meifen (or Meifeng) [美鳳]

Birthday: April 5th [Aries]

Age: 24 years old

Height: 1,82cm 

Weight: 72kg

Blood Type: A-

Species: Yato

Affiliations: None

Weapon: Wagasa/Body Combat

Voice Actor: Michiko Neya - Voice Roles

Theme Songs: Cut the Cord [Shinedown]

Status: Alive

Handedness: Ambidextrous

Favorite Food: Pork and Udon

Favorite Flower: Plum Blossom

Favorite Color: Purple, Yellow, Pink

Relatives:   Lanfen (mother)

                   Zhong (father)

                   Huo (younger brother)

- Physical Appearance:

    Meifen is a very tall female yato and gathers quite a lot of attention not just for that but also for her long bright green hair, which she takes a lot of pride. Has two moles under each eye right above the cheeks, birth marks she shares with her younger brother Huo. Her eyes are between orange and yellow and has long eyelashes. She's very strong but isn't very muscular, large hips but regular bust size. Is usually seen wearing loosen clothes for being more confortable. Under her large coat she uses a top to hold and protect her breasts.

- Professional Status:

Workplace: None especificall

Occupations: Bounty Hunter/Freelancer
Strong Points: 
Highly developed martial techniques/Good senses

Weak Points: Sunlight/Money obsessed

Hobby: Collecting hair accessories

- First Apperance:

Lesson: N/A

Lesson Name: N/A

Arc: N/A

Volume: N/A

- Personality:

Adaptable | Challenging | Ambicous | Disciplined | Playful | Energetic | Intuitive | Curious | Sincere | Greedy | Brutal | Domineering | Predatory | Proud

    Meifen had always been quite energetic and talktive person. She make friends easily when she doesn't push them away with her overlying sincerity, but that's was never a problem for her once her curiosity and perseverance always gave her something else to do and explore. She's very intuitive, some would say she has lucky guesses but the fact is her intuition almost always works into her favor and deals amazigly well with unnexpected situations and changes, being many times some steps ahead from other's.

    Even if she's friendly Meifen tends to delegate and acts bossy when it comes about work and sometimes relationships, forcing her judments over her "subordinates". This and her difficulty to share and obsession with money made her decide to work alone when all that matters is how fast and well she'll succeed. Meifen takes pride over anything she has and is and for her everything has its price. With that in mind, if she decides about doing or taking something be sure she'll act like a true Yato: violent as a wild animal.

- Biography:

    Meifen is from a good and wealthy family from the Yato tribe, learning good manners and highly educated ,she and her brother had been raised with higly expectations to continue the great value of their family. Being her the first born, the young girl took this subject very seriously still on early age and if it was about money then she would make sure to build an even larger fortune for them, breaking all the barries she could encounter in the way.

    She started to learn martial arts in Retsudo's dojo, being a serious student along all her trainning years aiming to pursue her objective in life. There she became friend with Tazu, a small girl who was so lazy that could make Meifen sleepy even for just looking, but the smartest Yato she would ever meet in her whole life. Together they trained and grew up until their interests diverged, Meifen felt ready to go on her journeys and build her name well known in each corner of the universe and as she had always planned, left the her planet.

     The now grown up woman would sell her services for anyone willing to pay for her hunting down someone or going after some objects of particular interests. She also works for herself, usually selling valuable itens to "J", a rich illegal amanto merchant who likes to gossip and frenquently buy her services as a bounty hunter.

     From times to times she returns home, spend a bit of time with her family and tell them her stories. At the begining her parents weren't that happy about the choice she'd made for her life, but when they started to hear nice rumors about their daughter and saw the amount of money she was capable to make by herself both forgot about that issue. At least constrasted with Huo, the girl was making her fame in glory, when the younger sibling had joined Harusame and never bothered sending them news.

- More to be updated after chapter 553 - 

- Relationships:

  • Hana: - Still under development, but is the one supposed to kill her in combat -
  • Huo: Her younger brother. They have a regular relationship, though sometimes Meifen hates how reckless Huo may be. Since he'd joined the Harusame 7th division Meifen only had few brief encounters with him.
  • Retsudo [@orangenbluete]: Her sensei. Meifen was trained by him along with other young Yatos during her childhood. Holds great respect for the man, though it's been years since the last time they've met.
  • Tazu [@orangenbluete]Good friends during childhood. Both frequented the same dojo and were trained by Retsudo. They were quite close, being Meifen probably the most energetic of the two, within time and as their paths went into different directions their interests also changed. They'd never got the chance to catch up for many years.
  • "J": Meifen sometimes works for "J", an illegal merchant who sells stolen itens. Usually "J" asks her to go after some rare or important item for him and pays for the service.

- Quotes:

  • To Hana: "I have a job to execute. If you're gonna stand against me know I'm washing my hands from what will happen to you."
  • To Huo: "Maybe you are really fated to have a short life, baby brother, specially when you're chasing death."
  • To Fu: "No way! You're way too cute for my brother!" *cluthing her cheeks*
  • To "J": "I'm not interested about your stories and shit talkings, I just came for the money."

- Extra Info:

  • The pendant om her wagasa is a charm to bring luck into work. In other words, to help her making more money.

Aoihime © xKiiro-me

Gintama and characters© Hideaki Sorachi