


4 years, 20 days ago



Name Bennett
Designer Darkanra
Gender Male
Significant Other None
Rules Keldine rules
Species Keldine



  • His shoulder is covered in rounded scales
  • The wings on his hips aren't capable of flight or gliding- they're only remnants of his family's lineage

Bennett is a stern and serious politician who's lust for power and reputation has driven him to pursue a life in the ever aggressive world of governing. As the mayor of a significant city, he is stoic, has a powerful presence, and his suave charisma wins over hearts as he poises himself as a reliable and earnest person. However, he puts his own goals above all else and his desire to further his own positions often leads him into shady dealings to make sure he's ahead of the competition in any situation he can manage.

He is crafty and loves solving problems, and he isn't evil or willing to actively harm people to get his way. While he'll manipulate and lie, and he'll gladly pay his way to victories behind the long arm of the law, he has some dignity and has no reason to see people injured in his path to the perceived respect he feels that he's owed.

He's entirely polite and kind as long as you share the same for him. He is however, very quickly insulted by disrespect, and being rude to him is a very fast way to make a permanent enemy. He is quick to hold a grudge and never let it go. If you offend him, you can very much assure you'll never work in his town again. 

He's a complete stickler for his reputation, and takes great pride in his appearances and how he presents himself in front of others. You won't find him talking impulsively or walking out of the house wearing anything less than he'd wear for a formal outing.

He really hates being reminded of his past and where he came from, and has effectively cut off all contact with his family due to the fact that they embarrass him.


  • Typically for anthro/human, wears suits and business clothes.
  • Despite cutting off his family/finding them embarrassing to his reputation...he doesn't hate them for their modest lifestyle. He keeps a photo of himself and his parent in his briefcase, which you may catch a glance of on occasion (not that he'd show you intentionally, though.) 

Bennett was always someone who wanted to be in charge. He enjoys bossing others around, feeling powerful, and looking down on those around him. Growing up he was always looked down on for his mother's failures- being lower class and unsuccessful, so he determinedly worked hard to make those who'd mocked him in his childhood eat their words. He wasn't as charismatic as he could be, but his good looks enabled him to work his way up at a modeling company, showing off casual looks in photoshoots for a side gig. While it had started as something to pay the bills, it soon became a lucrative enough job he was able to put that money towards working on his campaign. Eventually, running for and becoming elected as mayor of his city.

While he still has his eyes set on going even higher and higher, he's proud of where he's ended up and he never plans to stop fighting to become something more. Even if he recedes into shady practices to get what he wants, you can never fault him for not working his absolute hardest to make it happen.

Despite his election being won almost solely on the amount of money he threw at it, he is very capable as a politician and does a competent job in his position. He doesn't act maliciously towards people or cause major strife, he simply uses the position as a stepping stone to something greater


  • Mysteries
  • Being respected
  • High quality luxuries
  • A good wager

  • Being insulted
  • "Stupid questions"
  • Reporters
  • Nonsense conspiracy theories

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.
