
4 years, 21 days ago


Silean Bullet Points:
  • Got little bird feets and wings!
  • She's pretty sure she like, died once.
  • In addition to this she is sure it has to do with her incredibly powerful regneative abilities but she's not sure. (it does and she can just...come back.)
  • Larping was once a fun past time for her, but now makes her incredibly anxious and she doesn't know why.
  • She still rarely changes out of her mock ancestor costume though.
  • Based off of a humming bird!
  • She knows how to use various long range weapons, swords, bows, staffs, spears, ect. Prefers not to fight hand to hand or with in close range. (Larping is fun :) )
  • Her sylladex is Whispering Clouds and her weapon kind is dstnt kind (distance kind, a general grouping kind for above ^).
  • Silean|Prospit Dreamer|Maid of Light|Land of Tunes and Whispers