


4 years, 7 days ago


"Interesting. 'The Fool', 'The Wheel Of Fortune' and ... Oh what a surprise 'Death'.
I am curious what else the future holds for you."

Name: Aquila Ona
Ageappearance around 24
Species DescriptionWe know that dragons have been around for a long time. When humankind mangled in and began their rise in the world, dragons had to turn themselves to roam around freely mostly taking humanoid forms to explore and still their curiosity. During their adventure and exploits they often meet someone who would catch their attention and heart ... Drakhyne are offspring of a (usually shape-shifted) dragon and a humanoid (mostly elven or human) being. However, the offspring are often easily identified by their physical. The face and body itself are usually that of a humanoid, accented with various draconic features like scales, having a tail, horns or sometimes even wings. Furthermore, is known that the element of their magical source depends on their dragonic parents.

But they got 3 different forms/ways to look:

  • Their usual Drakhyne form, which only shows their dragon features.
  • Their Half-Dragon form, where their lower body is one of a dragon.
  • A dragon form which they can switch to, but it takes a lot of concentration and training.


  • Forging stars: As a descendant of a starforger, they can build an orbit out of stardust, creating tiny stars floating around them. They could actually be use as weapon, since they are extremely hot or cold to the touch for others. BUT Aquila only can use them as dancing little lights that can light a room, sometimes they can use them as some kind of glare grenades, because they are glowing and if you throw them they are dissolving into stardust, but it didn't really hurt nor are they really good at it yet.
  •   Magical tongues: If they touch something written in another language, they get the ability to understand it. Using it too much causes them a headache though.


  • Reading: Since they love to learning new things they are mostly found with a book in their hands. Especially when it is about learning new languages, they can speak a lot of different ones actually!
  • Divination: Who doesn't love destiny? Reading tea leaves or laying cards is fun, right?
  • Stars: Watching the night sky can be so romantic ... Or actually quiet the impact of information about the most interesting facts of constellations, fate, legends, physics and oh pardon ... Aren't the stars just beautiful?



  • loud noises
  • beings who doesn't appreciate books
  • being left out of cool things or mysterious happenings



  • they are observant and good at reading faces and moods
  • they can state the most irrelevant facts in the most unsuitable moments
  • they are a fast reader and learning pretty quick



  • their curiosity often gets the best of them- they tend to mangle in other problems, because they want to help
  • they can't see well in the dark –> that’s why Aquila usually surround themselves with their stars
  • Three



  • finding a way to free their friend Jin from what bounds him
  • learning a lot and making their parents proud



  • bad omen getting real
  • dying before knowing the truth / finding a way to free their friend



  • often absent minded
  • mysterious
  • kind

Most beings would be describing Aquila as a very mysterious one: Never really taking sane, such as giving confusing answers. Being pretty quiet and absent minded in one moment, but getting excited and talkative in the next. The Drakhyne is surely a strange one.

"Would you like to know your future?"

"If your answer is yes, you might want to think about it again, child."

Nevertheless, Aquila is a kind individual and pretty curious about the world. Eager to learn as much as they can. Just get to know them better and you maybe get a new precious friend.

Misc. Information:

  • they aren't really affected by cold nor heat, making them choose mostly less clothes to go outside even if it's cold
  • Aquila isn't so found of their dragon form and pretty much inexpedient to use it. So, they not really using it.
  • while Aquila is a addressed as they/them it’s only because nobody really knows what exact gender they belong to and don't want to offend them