
  • Eden Thornebeck
Reaching for Heaven (Working title)


Recently redesigned her, so I'll be slowly updating her profile with updated art and such! Bear with me please haha. The information itself is fine though! I'll probably add more to flesh her out even further but we'll see!


Playful • Laid-back • Flirty

Eden is a very energetic, sociable, and talkative girl. She has a very playful and flirty, if not cynical and sarcastic, way of engaging with the world, and absolutely LOVES cracking jokes in even the worst of times. She is very charming and charismatic, and can often use these features to her advantage. She is the life of the party, and is sure to bring a spark of entertainment into any building she walks into. She's often very loud and confident in her opinions, and is far from afraid to back them up in the cockiest way possible. Alongside that, she is an amazing actress. She's very expressive and dramatic, both of which being traits that match her general vibe to a T. She has a sort of devil-may-care attitude at first glance, and often puts things that she doesn't find to be of the utmost importance on the back burner until further notice. This is especially the case for a majority of her worries, which she tries to cope away through humor. She is very resourceful and smart with her money. She knows what it's like to have nothing, and thus has taught herself very quickly how to survive off of the bare essentials. While she absolutely adores the luxurious, she often has to fake what little luxury she has. Come on, did ANYONE think she was actually wearing REAL gold and diamonds everywhere??

Nihilistic • Short-tempered • Insecure

However, she has her vices. Under her very playful and energetic surface, Eden is actually a very worn-out and troubled girl who tries to push her issues as far away as possible. She typically uses other methods to cope than humor, mainly sex and smoking. Anything that can get her a quick rush of dopamine is good in her book, really. She is INCREDIBLY nihilistic, and it shows once you talk to her enough. Often, her view of nothing really having any meaning just pushes her to be more reckless and seize more dangerous opportunities. She often finds herself drawn toward bad scenarios because of this, and gets in a lot of fights/trouble. She has a VERY short temper, and can fly off the handle easily if you insult her/those close to her enough. She's very nasty and antagonistic to her enemies, which can often land her in even more trouble than before. She also has VERY low self-esteem. She's not necessarily self-conscious about her looks; she knows she's beautiful, of course. Rather, she is very emotionally and mentally insecure. She feels like she is a very messed-up individual who will never really be able to atone for the wrongs she's done, and she's almost entirely lost the will to try. She's always been seen as the "problem child," and really doesn't want to try to be better anymore. She settles for whatever she can get her hands on because she thinks it's all she deserves. However, she swears that she still has a little spark of hope for the future... Not that you could EVER get her to admit that.

  • Age
November 11th (Scorpio)
Blood Type
B Positive
Las Vegas, Nevada
Place of Birth
Mesquite, Nevada
  • Race
Sexual Orientation
Biromantic bisexual (Masculine preference)
Social Status
Relationship Status
Single (For now), but has many flings
Lower pitched, usually smooth/seductive, but with an edge
Fallen Angel - Aimee B


  • Her vices (AKA sex and nicotine)
Dirty Humor
Anything caramel or lemon-flavored
Weapons (Especially any type of blade)
Being the center of attention


  • Her work (to an extent) and past
Her temper
Getting down on herself (Not that that stops her)
Being compared to her mother
Feeling like she'll never be better


Singing: Eden is very musically gifted. She has a great singing voice, and often puts it to use during her performances. However, even outside of work, she loves to sing.

Yoga: Unsurprisingly, Eden loves to do yoga. It often helps to keep her flexible and in good shape if she has easier days at work. It can also help her to ground herself so she doesn't have to rely on her vices in times of stress... But, well, it's not always successful.


Flexibility: Due to her years of stripping/pole dancing, she has gained incredible flexibility and strength. She can bend her body in very intriguing ways, and often does so just for fun.

Knowledge of Weapons: She knows her way around weapons, especially guns and knives. As such, she can defend herself with them very easily, and often keeps a switchblade on her at all times.


Her temper: Often, her anger can easily get the better of her. She can't prevent herself from flying off the handle very easily, and it often gets her a lot cockier and more reckless. She doesn't think through her actions as well while angry.

Her insecurity: It is very easy to bug her insecurities. All it takes is the right conversation topic to get her doubting herself significantly. This can often shake her off of her concentration, and just acts as a general nuisance to her.




Seduction: Eden is a very charismatic and beautiful woman who knows just how to get what she wants from people. She often takes the charm she pours forth into her career and puts it to use to lure people in for whatever reason... Usually fulfilling her vices.

Mixing drinks: Eden is very skilled at making alcoholic beverages, surprisingly. She's not sure where she picked up the skill, but she's not complaining. She can make a mean martini, to say the least.


"Hey, we're all gonna die anyway. Why not at least have some fun while we're around?"

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Images taken from [Pinterest].

Dreams/ Goals

Getting a better life: As much as she tries to deny it, Eden has a spark of hope for her future. She dreams of getting out of the horrible conditions of the strip club she's employed in and getting in somewhere better. She's not sure how she'll manage it, but there's a part of her that wants to try.

Getting a real diamond/gold piece of jewelry: Every diamond she owns is really cubic zirconium. Every gold bit? Plated or painted. While it's small and a little silly to her, she would absolutely adore eventually getting enough money to buy herself a real, luxurious piece of jewelry.


Turning into her mother: The last thing Eden wants to be is her mother. She HATES anything to do with the woman, and doesn't like the thought that she could be just like her one day.

Messes/getting dirty: While she copes with this enough to keep it fairly well-hidden, finding it really silly or immature, Eden is terrified of messes. They remind her of the conditions back with her mom, and bring back a slew of horrible memories. As such, she has adapted very thorough cleaning skills.


  • Posture
    Mixed; typically good, but horrible when she's fully relaxed
Smokes/ Drugs
She smokes cigarettes, but NEVER other drugs; she won't touch them with a 10 foot pole
Physical Illnesses/ Disabilities
Mental Illnesses/ Disabilities
Depression (Typically mild, though it comes and goes)
Anxiety (Same as depression)
Inferiority complex


  • Smoking
  • Having casual flings
  • Playing with her hair


  • As fun as her flings are, she wants a real, committed relationship one day.
  • She is surprisingly religious, in a way. She doesn't believe ALL the religious concepts, and knows that she'd be totally doomed to Hell. However, she does like thinking there's a God, mainly just so she can feel like someone's listening when she gets the courage to vent her issues through prayer.
  • She absolutely DESPISES illegal drugs, and stays far away from them. She saw what they did to her mom, and she doesn't want to be like she was despite her low self-image.


  • Way of Speaking
    Very playful, casual, and flirty; uses lots of jokes
Common Conversation Starter
"Well, heya."
Oh absolutely. She doesn't use slurs, but otherwise she's unafraid of swearing.
Conversation Quirks
Jokes around a lot; does tons of voice impressions when telling stories


  • Food
    Chicken alfredo OR enchiladas (She can't choose)
Ball Python
  • Holiday
Summer or Autumn
Time of Day


  • She finds a lot of stress relief in pole dancing, surprisingly.
  • Her favorite drink, be it alcoholic or not, is a martini. However, lemon Italian cream soda and caramel lattes are a close second.
  • She has slight pyromania, and is absolutely fascinated by fire; this is especially evident when she lights her cigarettes.
  • She would love to have a pet ball python one day. However, as of right now, she doesn't have the money so support that decision. To make up for this, though, she has a ball python plush by the name of Lemon that she loves with literally her entire being.
  • She has a habit of messing with her hair when distressed, and has developed a habit of stress-braiding.
  • She is absolutely chaotic neutral. No questions about it.
  • She's the kind of person who would drink straight vinegar with no remorse.
  • She is intersex (specifically, she has complete androgen insensitivity syndrome.) She identifies most comfortably as female and prefers to be referred to as such.
  • She is a very... Interesting drunk. Usually she's a wild card, no one is really sure of what they'll get with her. Sometimes her libido goes up, sometimes she gets incredibly emotional, sometimes she just gets really tired. However, there is one thing that every drunken part of herself shares in common, that being an adoration for karaoke.
  • She has no shortage of jokes in her life. Her humor ranges between light and whitty to somewhat dark and raunchy (Not to super offensive extents but y'know), and she'll make a joke in just about any circumstance.
  • She loves musicals, especially musical rom coms!
  • She is very attracted to shiny things, almost like a magpie. She loves anything that shimmers.
  • More when I'm not totally exhausted ghasighsoifjosidfos


View full gallery here.

Important Dates

  • February 11th, 20XX
    Date of conception/Mom's arrest
August 20th, 20XX
Mom was released from prison
October 17th, 20XX
Mom moved back to Mesquite
November 11th, 20XX
Eden was born


The Beginning

"AKA A time of lust, deceit, drugs, and neglect. What a way to come into the world!"

Eden was conceived in a run-down hotel in Las Vegas between her mother, Julia Thornebeck, and a seedy lawyer. She was a prostitute, one that the lawyer solicited frequently in order to cheat on his wife. She was promised financial support and employment in a secretary position at the firm in return for the service she provided, which she was more than happy about. However, before she was ever able to get the position, she was found out and arrested. Julia served six months in prison, through much of the time she was pregnant with Eden. She got involved with a drug ring in the prison and got hooked quickly, an addiction which did not fade by the time she got out. She started spending almost all of her money on obtaining the drugs she had grown addicted to, quickly running out of money to keep living in Vegas. Desperate to at least keep a home, she moved into the cheapest apartment she could find in nearby Mesquite and moved immediately. The place was horrible: the walls were peeling and falling apart, there were horrible infestations around every corner, the appliances were constantly breaking, and it was overall a disaster. Julia, however, did not care. It was cheap enough for her to continue living with her prostitute salary while also fueling her addiction.

A little under a month later, Eden was born into these terrible conditions. She lived in poverty, being raised by a very neglectful and abusive mother. Often their money went toward her addictions instead of anything helpful for the household. Her only conversations with Eden were about how worthless she was, and how she would never amount to anything in her life. She was constantly putting her daughter down, and it stuck. Eden hated there, but felt trapped nonetheless. She tried desperately to get her mother's attention to the issues of the home, and nothing helped. Eventually, she was enrolled in schooling. She was often bullied at school due to her home life, especially her mother. Much like at home, she received similar treatment out in the world. She was often belittled by those around her for little to no reason, and was labeled a problem child quite early on.

Teenage Years

The Middle

"AKA the point where everything just went further downhill! Fun!"

All of the treatments Eden endured only made her grow angry. She developed huge behavioural issues, including her temper. She started getting in trouble at school constantly, often getting herself into fights and such. Her grades started slipping significantly, and her treatment was only getting worse and worse. She was having trouble coping with her surroundings, and knew she had to do something about it. She turned to petty crimes such as vandalism and pickpocketing to give her some happiness, often landing her in more and more trouble.

As soon as her eighteenth birthday rolled around, Eden dropped out of her senior year of high school, stole any money she possibly could from her mom, and ran away. She got a small apartment with a roommate in Vegas and quickly started looking for a job in order to support her part of the rent. She tried desperately, but given her long record of crimes, she was often disregarded in many positions. Eventually, she was drawn to The Forbidden Fruit, a strip club with a biblical theme. The owner was just as slimy and abusive as her mother had been, the majority of the girls were anything but kind, and the place was a cesspool of criminal activity, but it was the only place that she found that would take her. She got a job there. At home, her roommate started getting her into the vices she's used ever since. They would often have flings with one another, alongside smoking and drinking. They got surprisingly close.

However, things weren't meant to last. During her early twenties, her roommate was killed in a drunk driving incident. She mourned him in the only way she knew how, which involved a lot of cigarettes and sex. This only cemented her vices harder in her life, and drove her down a deeper hole.

Important Dates

  • November 11th, 20XX
    Dropped out of high school.
November 22nd, 20XX
Moved to Vegas with her roommate
April 30th, 20XX
Started working at The Forbidden Fruit
March 18th, 20XX
Roommate was killed

Important Dates

  • Date 00
Date 00
Date 00
Date 00


The Now

"AKA Where I'm sitting now in my life! It's not pretty!"

Eden still works at The Forbidden Fruit, and has for ten years. The conditions are still just as awful as ever, keeping up with her rent is harder than before, and yet she's still trying her best. She's mostly lost hope of things getting better, but it may happen someday...





Describe your character's thoughts towards Character X...

Pellentesque sed nunc non elit accumsan tristique. Nam sodales tellus porta, rhoncus risus efficitur, tempus diam. Nunc id augue ac lacus tristique auctor ut in lacus. Nunc id egestas libero. Morbi eleifend dignissim lorem, sit amet imperdiet metus pulvinar quis. Sed non tempor velit, at feugiat ex.



Describe the relationship/ interactions between the two characters...

Suspendisse a semper est, ornare mattis justo. Donec id enim ac nulla ultricies lacinia eget at ipsum. Cras lectus magna, bibendum ac tellus id, feugiat posuere nulla. Proin eu dolor suscipit, dapibus eros eu, pellentesque risus. Ut iaculis tempus lectus, non fringilla neque interdum et. Maecenas tempus velit vel dui sagittis, vel cursus ante faucibus. Sed sodales non justo in efficitur.

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Describe your character's thoughts towards Character X...

Pellentesque sed nunc non elit accumsan tristique. Nam sodales tellus porta, rhoncus risus efficitur, tempus diam. Nunc id augue ac lacus tristique auctor ut in lacus. Nunc id egestas libero. Morbi eleifend dignissim lorem, sit amet imperdiet metus pulvinar quis. Sed non tempor velit, at feugiat ex.



Describe the relationship/ interactions between the two characters...

Suspendisse a semper est, ornare mattis justo. Donec id enim ac nulla ultricies lacinia eget at ipsum. Cras lectus magna, bibendum ac tellus id, feugiat posuere nulla. Proin eu dolor suscipit, dapibus eros eu, pellentesque risus. Ut iaculis tempus lectus, non fringilla neque interdum et. Maecenas tempus velit vel dui sagittis, vel cursus ante faucibus. Sed sodales non justo in efficitur.

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unknown.png unknown.png







Describe your character's thoughts towards Character X...

Pellentesque sed nunc non elit accumsan tristique. Nam sodales tellus porta, rhoncus risus efficitur, tempus diam. Nunc id augue ac lacus tristique auctor ut in lacus. Nunc id egestas libero. Morbi eleifend dignissim lorem, sit amet imperdiet metus pulvinar quis. Sed non tempor velit, at feugiat ex.



Describe the relationship/ interactions between the two characters...

Suspendisse a semper est, ornare mattis justo. Donec id enim ac nulla ultricies lacinia eget at ipsum. Cras lectus magna, bibendum ac tellus id, feugiat posuere nulla. Proin eu dolor suscipit, dapibus eros eu, pellentesque risus. Ut iaculis tempus lectus, non fringilla neque interdum et. Maecenas tempus velit vel dui sagittis, vel cursus ante faucibus. Sed sodales non justo in efficitur.

unknown.png unknown.png
unknown.png unknown.png







Describe your character's thoughts towards Character X...

Pellentesque sed nunc non elit accumsan tristique. Nam sodales tellus porta, rhoncus risus efficitur, tempus diam. Nunc id augue ac lacus tristique auctor ut in lacus. Nunc id egestas libero. Morbi eleifend dignissim lorem, sit amet imperdiet metus pulvinar quis. Sed non tempor velit, at feugiat ex.



Describe the relationship/ interactions between the two characters...

Suspendisse a semper est, ornare mattis justo. Donec id enim ac nulla ultricies lacinia eget at ipsum. Cras lectus magna, bibendum ac tellus id, feugiat posuere nulla. Proin eu dolor suscipit, dapibus eros eu, pellentesque risus. Ut iaculis tempus lectus, non fringilla neque interdum et. Maecenas tempus velit vel dui sagittis, vel cursus ante faucibus. Sed sodales non justo in efficitur.

unknown.png unknown.png
unknown.png unknown.png







Describe your character's thoughts towards Character X...

Pellentesque sed nunc non elit accumsan tristique. Nam sodales tellus porta, rhoncus risus efficitur, tempus diam. Nunc id augue ac lacus tristique auctor ut in lacus. Nunc id egestas libero. Morbi eleifend dignissim lorem, sit amet imperdiet metus pulvinar quis. Sed non tempor velit, at feugiat ex.



Describe the relationship/ interactions between the two characters...

Suspendisse a semper est, ornare mattis justo. Donec id enim ac nulla ultricies lacinia eget at ipsum. Cras lectus magna, bibendum ac tellus id, feugiat posuere nulla. Proin eu dolor suscipit, dapibus eros eu, pellentesque risus. Ut iaculis tempus lectus, non fringilla neque interdum et. Maecenas tempus velit vel dui sagittis, vel cursus ante faucibus. Sed sodales non justo in efficitur.

unknown.png unknown.png
unknown.png unknown.png







Describe your character's thoughts towards Character X...

Pellentesque sed nunc non elit accumsan tristique. Nam sodales tellus porta, rhoncus risus efficitur, tempus diam. Nunc id augue ac lacus tristique auctor ut in lacus. Nunc id egestas libero. Morbi eleifend dignissim lorem, sit amet imperdiet metus pulvinar quis. Sed non tempor velit, at feugiat ex.



Describe the relationship/ interactions between the two characters...

Suspendisse a semper est, ornare mattis justo. Donec id enim ac nulla ultricies lacinia eget at ipsum. Cras lectus magna, bibendum ac tellus id, feugiat posuere nulla. Proin eu dolor suscipit, dapibus eros eu, pellentesque risus. Ut iaculis tempus lectus, non fringilla neque interdum et. Maecenas tempus velit vel dui sagittis, vel cursus ante faucibus. Sed sodales non justo in efficitur.

unknown.png unknown.png
unknown.png unknown.png







Describe your character's thoughts towards Character X...

Pellentesque sed nunc non elit accumsan tristique. Nam sodales tellus porta, rhoncus risus efficitur, tempus diam. Nunc id augue ac lacus tristique auctor ut in lacus. Nunc id egestas libero. Morbi eleifend dignissim lorem, sit amet imperdiet metus pulvinar quis. Sed non tempor velit, at feugiat ex.



Describe the relationship/ interactions between the two characters...

Suspendisse a semper est, ornare mattis justo. Donec id enim ac nulla ultricies lacinia eget at ipsum. Cras lectus magna, bibendum ac tellus id, feugiat posuere nulla. Proin eu dolor suscipit, dapibus eros eu, pellentesque risus. Ut iaculis tempus lectus, non fringilla neque interdum et. Maecenas tempus velit vel dui sagittis, vel cursus ante faucibus. Sed sodales non justo in efficitur.

unknown.png unknown.png
unknown.png unknown.png







Describe your character's thoughts towards Character X...

Pellentesque sed nunc non elit accumsan tristique. Nam sodales tellus porta, rhoncus risus efficitur, tempus diam. Nunc id augue ac lacus tristique auctor ut in lacus. Nunc id egestas libero. Morbi eleifend dignissim lorem, sit amet imperdiet metus pulvinar quis. Sed non tempor velit, at feugiat ex.



Describe the relationship/ interactions between the two characters...

Suspendisse a semper est, ornare mattis justo. Donec id enim ac nulla ultricies lacinia eget at ipsum. Cras lectus magna, bibendum ac tellus id, feugiat posuere nulla. Proin eu dolor suscipit, dapibus eros eu, pellentesque risus. Ut iaculis tempus lectus, non fringilla neque interdum et. Maecenas tempus velit vel dui sagittis, vel cursus ante faucibus. Sed sodales non justo in efficitur.

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unknown.png unknown.png




  • Body Build
    Curvy yet fit; looks rather athletic
Body Shape
Hourglass, somewhat closer to the pear side
5'7" (6'0" in heels)
136 pounds
Three Sizes
38 inches • 27 inches • 41 inches
Eye Shape
Hair Style
Long and wavy
Full resolution here.
Full resolution here.


  • Skin
    Clear and soft
Distinguishing Features
Angel wing tattoos on back
Dahlia bite piercings
Heart-shaped face
Preferred Clothing
A little edgy/sexy (Off-stage)
Angel themed costumes(On-stage)
Lots of leather and fluff
Many piercings, her jacket, her harnesses, optional sunglasses
Things to Note
Her piercings are NOT optional! She has three piercings in her left ear (Two in cartilage, one in lobe) and two in her left ear (one in cartilage, one in lobe), her dahlia bite piercings, and a bellybutton piercing. She also has piercings in her nips and below the belt, though those won't be shown in typical pieces haha.
She can be drawn with sunglasses! I have yet to draw them myself but once I do I'll update this!
She has angel wing tattoos on her back!! Please keep this in mind if you draw her from an angle where they would show!!


Gold Elements
Black elements


Other outfits can be found here.
Full resolution here.
Full resolution here.
Full resolution here.
Full resolution here.


Other hairstyles can be found here.
Full resolution here.
Full resolution here.
Full resolution here.


  • Playful/flirty smirk is her most common expression
Often does a lot of hand gestures
Very dramatic motions/poses

Pose Suggestions

Click image to see full resolution. Images have been taken from [insert source here].

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