


7 years, 6 months ago



  •  Age   Unknown 
  •  Gender   Male 
  •  Height   188cm 
  •  Introvert   Extrovert 

  •  Intuitive   Observant 

  •  Thinking   Feeling 

  •  Judging   Prospecting 

"You're standing too close to a flame that's burning."


Calcifer is hot-headed and temperamental. Otherwise a friendly and charismatic man; however, he can let small things irk him often and can be unpredictable on a bad day. Calcifer is also very competitive and can probably be roped into anything if you make it a competition. He tends to blow of steam by causing fights and settling his problems with people with his fists. Despite all this, Calcifer can be very witty, funny and fiercely loyal to the people he cares about - often willing to put his life on the line for his close friends and family.


The tallest and most built of the Guardians. Calcifer has well toned muscles, primarily his abs. His skin is a pale yellow that can flare bright orange when embarrassed as well as the pointed ears shared by all the Guardians. He has vibrant red hair that fades into an even brighter yellow which almost seems to flicker like a flame. His horns point straight up from his head and are made from cracked rock filled with magma which are impossible for anyone but a deity to touch without instant burning.

  •  Ethnicity   Unknown 
  •  Residence   Esthios 
  •  Job   Guardian of Summer 
  •  Sexuality   Bi 
  • ● In his seasonal form, Calcifer is 6'8 and his hair is significantly longer.
  • ● His Guardian weapon is a pair of flaming daggers that are impossibly hot to touch.
  • ● He and Rane possess many personality similarities which is why they get along the best; however, they also bicker the most.
  • ● Aurora dislikes Calcifer however puts up with him due to her relationship with his sister. Calcifer enjoys nothing more than irritating her.
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  • competition
  • fighting
  • weapons
  • stratergy war games
  • cats
  • being annoying
  • quiet
  • staying still/doing nothing
  • bitter foods
  • commitment
  • water
  • authority


Calcifer was born of deities of fire and rock but like the other seasonal Guardians, he inherited the powers of Summer from the late deity of Seasons. He partly founded the land of Esthios with the other Guardians and helped make it more habbitable, playing his biggest role in destroying monsters to make some cities that were safe to live but also aiding Spring (Leif) in nurturing crops via sunlight.

Calcifer is known to possess a somewhat villainous streak in that he often has no guilts or hesitations in killing things (including people) if he believes it's justified. He has fought in numerous wars until the present time of peace between the kingdoms of Esthios and Atharia.

The 6 Guardians each possess a unifying golden emblem that allows their powers to more easily work together to maintain the life of Esthios. These golden pieces also amplify their abilities allowing them to work alone in their area of expertise. The gold emblem is always worn on the body in different forms for each Guardian. Calcifers is found worn as an earring in his left ear.


Abellona As his sister, Calcifer loves nothing more than being the bane of her existence. However he still very much loves his sister and will turn on anyway that hurts her. Calcifer likes to let out his problems on Abellona even if most the time she isn't listening to his pointless rants.

Rane Rane and Calcifer are the perfect storm. Their similar temperamentality make them a force to be reckoned with, they could be working on an elaborate prank together one second and arguing over something petty the next. Next to Abellona, Rane is probably the second most important person to him and he sees her as another younger sister.

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