


3 years, 11 months ago


Full Name: Naida Mizumi

Nicknames: Naida

Gender: Female

Height: 4'11"

Species: Octoling

Eye Color: Pale green

Ink Color: Blue and pink

"What, what do you want? Why are you pestering me?"


  Primary - Octoglasses - Takoroka Nylon Vintage - Mint Dakroniks - E-Liter 4K "I like the colors."

  Summer Wear - Black Arrowbands - Pink Easy-Stripe Shirt - Snow Delta Straps - E-Liter 4K "Tetra keeps taking my shades, rude. When the weather is warmer it's really fun to visit the beach, though."

  Winter Wear - Knitted Hat - Dark Bomber Jacket - Punk Whites - E-Liter 4K "Winter on the surface is awful and cold and I hate it. Though snowball fights are maybe kind of fun..."

  Weaponry - Has taken a keen liking to chargers, especially the long ranged E-Liter 4k, though will often use a custom painted splat charger (hero charger) as well.

Favorite Ability: Ink recovery, Tenacity "I like hanging back and helping from a distance. Slayers are too intense..."

Personality Overview: Calm and collected and very sure of herself, from an outside perspective Naida almost seems very timid and shy, which usually means that most people are surprised when they talk to her and learn that she has no problem speaking her mind, sassing people, teasing her friends, etc. She has fully embraced the inkling culture of not taking shit from people and doing whatever you want to have fun, even if she doesn't have the boundless energy most inklings do.

  • Trained as a weapons engineer, but constantly breaks the weapons she tweaks (hey, nobody said she was good at her job).
  • She doesn't smile often because her roommate would scream that shes "SO ADORABLE" whenever she laughed.
  • Seems timid and innocent, she's not. She's full of sass and can be as talkative as she wants to be.
  • Pretty nearsighted, but once she discovered the magic of contact lenses and glasses she picked up chargers and can spot you like a hawk now, especially with E-liters.
  • Learned to cook because Tetra nearly burned down their first apartment (the landlord is so happy that they're gone, she bets).
  • Gets up early in the morning, usually around 7 am, and enjoys the quiet streets in the morning.
  • She gets cold easily so she usually wears jackets.
  • Has tweaked (and broken) her friends' weapons before several times. She laughed the first time Tetra shrieked at her broken dynamo, but has always paid for repairs.
  • Really likes neon color schemes, they're just so eye catching...
  • Calm and collected 90% of the time, it's pretty hard to piss her off or irritate her, though she does have a sharp tongue.
  • Don't let her borrow your things, she can and will break them (most of the time its an accident she swears).
  • She really likes spicy foods, and can and will tease her friends if they complain that something is too spicy for them. Not too interested in sweets much anymore after living with Tetra, though.

History -


As an Octarian, it was pretty clear from a young age that this particular octoling would never be a soldier. Her reaction times were slow, she often paused in training to look around, and constantly had trouble spotting her opponents even at medium distances. Frustrated to no end, Naida tried her utmost to get better at fighting, constantly breaking her octo shot in fits of anger and desperation due to constant losses in battle, especially when her opponents proclaimed they were "going easy on her." As punishment for breaking so much shit, and an attempt at finding her a better occupation, she was assigned to study under a weapon engineer. Sadly, her habit of breaking weapons persisted (not on purpose this time though, she's really trying!).


It wasn't hard for Naida to leave upon hearing the Inkantation. In fact, it might have been too easy. Upon reaching the surface she became overwhelmed with regret and anxiety - what if she could have done more? What even was there for her up here? The city was a maze, the sky was vast and endless and terrifying, everything and everyone was loud, and she had nowhere to go. Her frustrations and fears built up to the point where she cursed out the first inkling that approached her (thankfully she didn't know octarian), and was somehow rewarded with hospitality. Maybe it wouldn't be so terrible up here... Though she held on to her anxiety and regret for quite a while, often leading to nightmares ending in her jolting awake and crying. She's fine now, though refused to ever tell anyone or admit how terrified she used to be at the idea of freedom.


TETRA - "Bitch."

Nervous and on edge the first time she entered the city, her interaction with the locals was not the most pleasant. After all, her whole life she was taught how aggressive and flashy inklings were, how they often didn't deserve what they had on the surface, and that none of them would be friendly and would splat you on sight. Which is probably what led to her first sentence towards one being "what the fuck do you want you stupid dumb squid". In hindsight it's really funny, but at the time she was terrified at the possible reaction. Lucky for her this stupid dumb squid didn't know octarian, and just invited her to stay at her place until Naida had somewhere to go. This inkling, Tetra apparently, turned out to be okay (she guessed), and so she decided to stay. Tetra's incessant chatter definitely helped Naida perfect her inkling at least, plus she knew great spots around town. Not even to mention how quickly Tetra picked up on the fact that her eyesight was awful, and almost immediately insisted that they go get her glasses so she can actually see things around her and stop bumping into tables. Practically immediately Naida improved in battle, and was so confident in her newfound ability to actually see that she picked up chargers and never put them back down. She GUESSES she's pretty grateful for that. Nowadays they constantly jokingly bicker like siblings, but it's pretty obvious they have each other's backs.

BENTO - "Stop stealing all our leftovers."

It wasn't uncommon for her roommate to bring over her friends. Sometimes even random strangers that she felt were cool enough to hang out at their (rather messy) apartment. This one, however, was a rather uncommon case. As per usual, she burst through the door, tripped over the roller she left on the floor, and dragged in a rather confused, and very quiet, octoling. Naida, being the obviously polite host she was, offered her mac and cheese she had just made (to which Tetra and her new friend ate literally all of and left her none, which is frankly rude, she was hungry), and finally asked this quiet dude in octarian "do you know a single word that this bitch is even saying?" From there everything clicked pretty easily. Bento was his name, and he was (pretty obviously) new to Inkopolis. From then, Naida happily gave him lessons in inkling, and would make fun of Tetra in octarian with him while she sat and complained that she DIDN'T KNOW WHAT ANY OF THESE WORDS MEANT PLEASE- Plus, he was actually interested in all the quiet spots around the city, which was definitely a bonus in her book. A mark against him, however, is that he now keeps coming to their apartment specifically to take their leftovers to his own place without telling anyone (like come on, Naida doesn't even cook anything that extravagant like one of her friend's does, it's usually just boxed foods or pizza they ordered days ago). When they do meet up to battle she prefers to be on his team - he's actually good with that dumb brush, it's kind of scary.