
4 years, 3 months ago


Name: Elio

Race: Tri-brid

Unit: ???

Occupation: Hyperion Crew


Theo was born and Raised on a small Terran Camp in Char, His father works for a Starport and thus Theo became familiar with planes, even manages to Pilot a plane at young age, One day the Zerg go on a Rampage and attack the Camp, his family told him to ride his plane and flew away for his safety, with a heavy heart, he leaves his Family and childhood friends, during his escape, he accidently crossing a Castanar protection border, causing him to be shot down by the Dominion Forces, because He has nothing to do with the Dominion, they decided to use him as a test subject for the Zerg Protoss hybrid experiment, during the years he live on as an abomination, he slowly regain his memory back and remember who he is and his family, one day, when the Dominion use him to attack Raynor's forces, he notices his parents, after noticing the hybrid doesnt want to harm them, they quickly realize that their Long lost son had become this Abomination, Raynor took notice on the Human Hybrid and Asked him where he had been for the years he has been gone, and Theo told him everything, it causes Raynor's hate on Mengks sharply increases, Raynor let Theo stay with his family and live as a Protector of the Army


Animated story:

Lemon MAP part 3

A Thousand Years // Part 5