Sailor King



4 years, 29 days ago


Sailor King
July 23


Bright • nuclear • alien • delight

A rising star on her own, with multitudes of followers and fans tagging along with her skateboarding media and documented tricks (or so she says), Sailor is a wound up rabbit that never stops moving! Skateboarding is her favorite pastime, and she’s very good at it - but alien lore and ghosts and mysteries are right up there with the sport too! She peppers ghost hunting and "exploration" of abandoned facilities into her everyday life and enjoys to share it with her closest friends, alongside her partner in crime Georgie. Though her upbringing wasn't the brightest start, her mother abandoning her and her family days after she was born - Sailor's always found it hard to miss someone who was never there to begin with. Nor, found it within herself to grieve as her father and older sister did.  She's surrounded by other bonds and love, and cherishes the family she has remaining and that she has found.


  • skateboarding!
  • tacky gacha machine prizes (ESPECIALLY ALIEN/UFO RELATED!) also included: sticky stars to go on the ceiling
  • her eyebrows
  • snow skin mooncakes 
  • peep marshmallows
  • baseball (but she's AWFUL at it)


  • cheap jump scare tactics that hollywood thinks will work on her in scary movies
  • cloudy days/nights! let the moon say hello...
  • smell of freshly mowed grass (it makes her nauseous)
  • comments on how thin she be makes her sad, "bro i know my sister stole the beef genes shhhh."
  • big, big dogs! initially any dog with a deep bark just spooks her!

"Goonies never say die! :D"


Sailor's proud of her independence and is mostly found doing things on her own, bulldozing ahead without words from allies and what not. But, she's not completely ignorant to the pros of asking for help or the beneficial addition of FUN whenever she can grab a bud along for the ride.  She’s always been charmed by stories with duos, superheroes and sidekicks, a whole gang solving the legendary ghost story of a sleepy small town, and she wants to live her own sci-fi horror.  Aliens are a hyper-fixation you’re turned onto within minutes of speaking to the kid, she’s enamored by the stars and space itself and finds the dwarfing sensation charming.  How unfair it is, to have so much to explore and yet so little time!

 Sailor's got her spunk, but her general attitude is easy going, adapting to change quickly as she sees it as something to be excited for, rather than upset.  One should never want to stay the same for too long anyways! There's so much to see and do in the world, Sailor's no stranger to the saying and is adamant in her own goals no matter the obstacle, showing real grit both in simple and difficult tasks. 

“It’s all about the story you make along the way anyways…. Imagine how boring a book would be if the protag got it right on the first try! Blaaaah!”

Sailor’s a  prankster at heart as playing practical jokes and the like was a common past time she and her sister both shared and bonded over.  It’s  easy to make fun out of any situation she finds herself in, which helps her dig herself back out of any blue feelings which is a rare but not unheard of instance even for her.

As any skater should house, she’s got a rockin’ daredevil within her -- so the problems she finds herself in are almost always avoidable.  She's careless when it comes to her own safety and well being, opting for the adrenaline rush option over the obvious safe route, and she never turns down a dare.  But stupid silly tricks come with cool scraps and bruises, and every scar has its own story!

Sailor won't brush off authoritative figures who have her trust and respect but she still finds it hard to listen to and follow through with rules or orders given to her. She's inventive and likes to put that into play whenever and wherever she thinks it's appropriate.  Unfortunately nine times out of ten she thinks it's fine to ignore a rule or order for the sake of her 'much better and more efficient way.' It gets her into trouble, but it's almost again, always more fun...


• she wears a lot of baggy/over sized clothes to make up for how small she is in reality.

• without the hair ribbon tying her bangs back, she'd rock a samara look.

• seafoam/orange/white are her usual schemes

• MESSY CRAZY EYEBROWS LMAO! with a small scar on her forehead above the left.

• red eyes! for mythos shout out -- brown in human verses??


• seafoam green is her favorite color!

• she can speak english and mandarin, likes to keep brushed up and sharp in both!

• makes up her own mystery stories and writes them all down in a sticker covered flip book she carries in her jacket. 

• also believes there's always a mystery TO BE SOLVED so likes to live 'em as much as she likes to write and read about them.

• loves to show off all her scars and scrapes from skateboarding related accidents & to tell the whole story of how it happened.

• knows basic medical quick fixes thanks to her hobbies and can build a board! 








Georgie - BFF



Keoni - surf/skate SUPERSTAAAAR! (sailor looks up to her as a big inspo!)

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