


7 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info


Vincenzo Boveri


Vampire, previously human


Italian (white)


Agender (they/them; dmab)




500ish; physically early 20s


Polysexual (men and nb people)


vincenzo seems bored and apathetic most of the time. they seem a little cold and emotionless. but this is really only on the surface. vincenzo is always terrified. they live in constant anxiety and are super jumpy. they're easily overwhelmed by almost anything. easily embarrassed, scared, etc. they're very very bad at socializing. they don't know how to interact with people. they don't rly have any friends and that's probably why, also because they don't really go out and socialize much. vincenzo's extremely lonely. being so old, they don't really feel human anymore. humans are hard for them to relate to, and that keeps them from really talking to anyone. that and the fact that humans aren't immortal so they don't feel like getting attached to someone they won't have around for very long.

vincenzo was born during the later part of the renaissance. they had a rich family and got a nice education, especially for back then. they became a painter and were fairly well-known. their human life was pretty pleasant. they don't really remember how they got turned. the whole situation is a blur for them, but they know that they were turned against their will. they didn't really mind it at first, until they accidentally killed someone dear to them because they couldn't recognize them. it was a super traumatic experience and it fucked them up for quite a while. they thought of themselves as a monster and spent... a long time just being miserable in the shadows pretty much. they didn't do much until very recently. but the many years of not doing much left them without like any money so now they're forced to get a job. as a late-night food deliveryperson.

they have a kickass bike. it has lights on the wheel spokes. there's also a basket and a bell. the basket has lisa frank stickers on it

they drink coconut water instead of blood bc it can be used in place of blood plasma for transfusions and so i'm gonna roll with the fact that it can keep them alive. although i highly doubt they're the healthiest or most powerful vampire around because of it