

Name: Tempest Eversong
Called: Tempo
Age: Adult
Gender: Female
residence: Skudul City, Kruigen
SPECIES: Shapeshifter. Can be an avian, feline, or mix of both. Primarily appears as a Gryphon or Linheraptor
ELement: Air
Alignment: Lawful Good
Status: Living
Voice: link

An eccentric mage that enjoys the presence of others and lending a helping talon. 



  • Children
  • Teaching




Tempo is very upbeat and always willing to help out anyone that may need it. She is the type that makes friends easily and rarely any enemies. She wants to make others laugh and smile, and so she does her best to be that positive ray of light in everyone’s life.

Although she is generally likable and friendly, she can be odd at times. Often saying or doing something that may seem completely out of place to everyone except herself. There is usually a reason why she does the things she does, even if it may not seem so!

On occasion, she shows her cheeky side and loves a good joke or prank. Though if she does partake in any sort of shenanigans, she will very carefully consider who the recipient of her jokes are. She would never want to upset anyone, of course.



Skill One

Tempo has been teaching for years and as such has a lot of experience in doing so.

Skill Two

Summoning Magic
The magic of choice that Tempo uses is summoning. It is what she considers herself to be the most skilled with, and she can summon a great many things.

Skill Three

With a little help from her magic, she can read nearly any language presented to her if given enough time. This skill took an incredibly long time for her to learn, but she finds it very worth the effort!

Skill Four

Contagious Optimism 
Ever knew someone who was always so bright and happy constantly that it just made everyone else around them feel good? Yea, she’s one of those kinds of people. 

Skill FIVE

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She truly enjoys the presence of others and helping when she can. So she figured that teaching could accomplish both of these things, specifically teaching necessary skills that would make life easier.

Her life has been fully devoted to doing this, and it matters not what realm she may be in. Kruigen isn’t even her place of origin, but she has found a place that she really feels she can do the most good in.


Currently a big WIP - She is basically a teacher in Skudul City and primarily teaches dragons and other winged creatures how to fly or improve their flight skills. When she isn’t teaching she can be found translating texts from other realms via the request of Lord Kethares.


Fact 1
She is a lesbian
Fact 2
She is transgender
Fact 3
Will sometimes tell fortunes if anyone asks. But she has no magic in this area so they are generally vague.
Fact 4


Quote 1

Quote 2
Quote 3
Quote 4


Lord Kethares

[ relationship ]

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[ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.


[ relationship ]

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