


4 years, 1 month ago


Value: $8 USD

Behold the spirit of unpredictability -- yuu. Gold and black with an all-knowing eye and seven poignant wings, yuu strike fear into many. But this spirit is not inherently good or evil. Then again, maybe it's the feeling of not knowing that drives people mad. yuu has been known to appear to individuals, groups, towns, and even nations. It can manifest at any size, and inhabit the real world or dreams. It does not speak or make any sounds. It's movements are always in an angular pattern. Seeing yuu is an omen of the unknown. Simply put, it forewarns the seer of an impending unpredictable event. yuu provides no contexts, and never indicates if the occurrence will be positive or negative. Many have tried to attribute the direction of yuu's horns to the outcome of the event -- saying that, when pointed inward, a terrible fate will befall them; when pointed outward, a miraculous event will befall them; and when both point different ways, an event that will benefit some and harm others is to occur. Despite these efforts to predict what yuu's appearance may mean, all who have tried have been unsuccessful. Then again, as some wonder, maybe this observation is correct -- but by whose perspective is the outcome judged?