


4 years, 17 days ago


20 something

works in his uncles chop shop in the city
rides a motorcycle.

marco is involved in a large family of characters. Marco's mother is a heavy drug addict and an unfit parent, so he and his little sister Tiki live with their uncle in the big city (iota) his uncle has a chop shop where they work on cars and its very messy and tough labor but makes good money. their home is crowded between them because the uncle also has a son who lives there and works in the shop as well. marco and argyle (the cousin) are around the same age and are very close. marco is outgoing and troublesome and likes to pull argyle along into troubling situations - argyle is soft spoken and rather against most of the things his cousins do. tiki is also a troublemaker as she looks up to her brother but she is in middle school so the worst she does is get in trouble at school. their uncle is trying to get her wiggles out by enlisting her in sports and she takes a liking to paint ball, and wants to join the military when shes older, the family thinks this will be a good outlet for her aggression. when argyle was young his mother cheated on his father and got pregnant with another man - enter half sister kafe,


this ended the uncle and his wife's relationship and he hasnt been in another one since, Kafe lives elsewhere in the city with her mother and father and comes by often to mess around with argyle and the cousins. marco doesnt get along with her tho and often butts heads about things. Kafe enjoys fighting with him
circling back to marco, he was kicked out of highschool several times but his uncle kept forcing him to go back and at the end he settled for getting a GED
in order to continue living with his uncle (which he wants to to stay close to his sister) he has a deal where he has to work in the garage and not do anything illegal. the uncle believes teaching him the value of hard labor is the best way to keep him grounded, tho this is his only means of parenting. the uncle never had issues with argyle and isnt good at talking about emotions or things like sex or self esteem


hes a mans man and has a tendancy to talk in car metaphors when hes nervous .
so marco works hard in the garage but is otherwise not well parented and because of this tends to run in the wrong crowd. he does drugs like his mother and does petty crime like destruction of property and theft and threatens argyle never to tell the uncle. hes a bad boy but has strong roots and will probably be a good man once he gets all the rebellion out of his system and settles down
he doesnt respect sex, and was never taught to cherish it
hes an ass hole and a slease bag but theres alot to like about him when you get to know him beyond that. hes confident, and strong minded, and he cares alot about his family and especially his sister. he's a clever guy and brightens up a room and is always smiling.  he's attentive and a good listener, and can be really dependable