Aegisthus Sero



4 years, 27 days ago


Aegisthus Sero


Cis Male (He/Him)

239 (physically mid-40's)

The Lord

6'5" (196 cm)


Last Dragonborn
Archmage of Winterhold






Born 26th of First Seed, 3e 395, Aegisthus Sero is the Archmage of Winterhold and the Last Dragonborn. He is a mage who exclusively uses magic (lightning destruction, alteration fleshes, healing restoration, and thu'um shouts) and wears robes.

He is a graduate of the Bards College and a magic scholar (formerly independent, now works for the Winterhold College). He is interested in magic theory and history, Dwemeri soul magic, cooking, nature biomes, and teas. His build is skinny and slim. He is happily married to Teldryn Sero, having two kids with him.

He is hard of hearing, having become partially deaf in his time using the thu'um and fighting others who used it.

Aegis was born in Summerset but spends most of his life travelling Tamriel, before settling down in Skyrim with Teldryn.









  • Teldryn
  • Fruity teas
  • Reading


  • His parents
  • Snowstorms
  • Necromancers

Tropes: Deadpan snarker, squishy wizard, badass wookworm, inferiority superiority complex

Aegisthus is very intelligent and well-rounded in knowledge of magic and history, knowing a lot of master level spells and having crafted a few of his own. He is very analytical and often straightforward with what he has to say. If he doesn't like you, he'll make sure you know, although a lot of the time unintentionally. He has difficulty with dealing with intimacy and vulnerability (socializing in general), which manifests into a cocky exterior, his true feelings masked by a barrage of sarcasm.

Aegis loves sharing his knowledge with others, reflected in him being the author of several books and a professor at the Collge of Winterhold. At times he can feel his life has no meaning, but helping others and being with Teldryn helps him realize the good in Nirn. Aegis enjoys his job at the college and loves when others show a common interest in magic.

He tries not to show it, but he is deathly afraid of rejection and disappointing others. Aegis works best alone and is often left alone due to his demeanor, but often times he craves emotional connections but struggles with expressing so, something he learns to better when he meets Teldryn. Aegis can be distant and cold while avoiding his true feelings, but his relationship with Teldryn helps him open up more and learn there's nothing to fear in emotions he's not used to, like love.

Aegis greatly values cleanliness and hygiene. Perhaps it is a relic of his distant upbringing as an Altmeri noble, but he absolutely cannot stand wearing clothes covered in muck or blood, and he must have them washed or changed as soon as possible (as a pure mage, he often avoids being covered in enemy blood by standing a good distance in fights). He also must bathe at least biweekly, whether that's in an actual bath like in his house or a lake or such in the wilderness.



Aegis was born in Alinor, Summerset to two wealthy noble Altmeri. His father, Laertes, was an ex-Psijic monk, and his mother, Mirilina, a high-ranking member of the Thalmor. He lived with them and Rumellor, an older brother of 9 years, in a large manor. He barely saw his mother, as she was often away on Thalmor business, so Aegis spent most of his time around his brother and father. Aegis studied magic under them, but always struggled with it. Rumellor would always help and encourage Aegis when their parents wouldn't, leading Rumellor into being Aegis's only close confidant. Laertes came to despise Aegis greatly, obviously favoring Rumellor over him and not being secretive about showing it. Aegis really did like magic, but didn't like the way his father was so strict about the way he learned about it, treating Aegis as if he were a puppet on strings.

Despite Aegis's struggles (and his parents viewing him as a disappointment), he was given his calian at age 18. His parents didn't think he deserved it, and neither did he. Rumellor did, however, always the one to encourage his younger brother.

In short, Aegis did not like his upbringing; not to mention how he was in an arranged marriage he had looming over his head since he was 14, to someone he barely knew or saw. He always wished he could run away and live on his own accords. His wish was soon to be granted, but not in the way he was thinking. When Aegis was 20, disaster struck, Rumellor being killed by an assassin Aegis let into their palace, threatened to be killed if he did not comply. His parents saw this mistake as a sign Aegis was responsible for the death of Rumellor, and promptly ostracized and exiled him, his calian destroyed and Aegis branded an Apraxic. "The Gods took the wrong son," they told him before leaving him for dead. He was shipped off to Valenwood with nothing but the clothes on his back and his broken calian.


Aegis wandered Tamriel for many years, alone, picking up lose jobs where he could practice his magic. He learned that he actually really liked magical studies when he wasn't being pressured by his parents, but since it still held bad connotations (his late brother and looming father), for a few decades he quit his magic studies and took to exploring other hobbies. Aegis did consider joining the Mages Guild, but didn't get the chance before it was dissolved at the end of the 3rd Era. At one point after the Oblivion Crisis he attended and graduated the Bards College in Skyrim, becoming somewhat of a travelling bard. There he befriended and dated Viarmo, who would later go on to be the college's headmaster. They broke up after they graduated, their future plans clashing. They wouldn't meet each other again until over 100 years later. Aegis went back to his magic studies, but would still occasionally write a song or two.

Aegis kept his calian for awhile, hoping to one day fix it and return to Summerset, but thought it to be futile as there was nothing left for him back there besides a family who hated him. He climbed the Jerall mountains (while travelling from Skyrim to Cyrodill) and threw the pieces off a cliff, the pieces glistening in the moonlight as the wind took them away. Aegis spent most of his life after graduating the Bards College (and before heading back to Skyrim) travelling Tamriel, learning magic (and picking up an interest in cooking) wherever he went.

Aegis grew used to being by himself, rarely confining in others. He found it hard to connect to others, anyways, so he didn't really see a point. In his mid-200's he decided to head for Skyrim again, this time to attend the College of Winterhold; he already knew a great deal about magic at this point, but wanted to see what more he could learn there. Aegis's welcome back to Skyrim wasn't a nice one; he was caught in a civil war skirmish trying to cross the border from Cyrodiil, tied up and stripped of all his belongings, sent to die in the town Helgen by the hand of the Empire. The arrival of Aldiun saved him (although he would've escaped on his own, having a strong lightning spell charged ready to kill the headsman about to kill him), the imperial soldier Hadvar helping Aegis escape and survive the dragon attack. Aegis continued his journey to the college, but now with the discovery that he was the Last Dragonborn after absorbing a dragon's soul outside Whiterun, the Greybeards shortly after calling for him. Aegis saw his new destiny as a nuisance, not wanting to deal with something he didn't ask for, but would go on to fulfill his duty nonetheless (not before continuing on his original plan to join the college).


Aegis attended the College of Winterhold, but he already knew more than the guidance he found there, having many decades of magic studies behind him. He went through with his enrollment nonetheless, getting wrapped up in the plot involving the discovery of the Eye of Magnus there. This lead into Aegis becoming the new Archmage, selected by the Psijic monks, after helping foil the plans of the Thalmor agent, Ancano. Aegis always thought his father had some doing in the matter, even though Laertes was long removed from the Order (to his knowledge). Perhaps even all these years he somehow wanted to make it up to his remaining son who he rejected and banished, or maybe Aegisthus was just being too hopeful, still yearning to have a father who loves him after all these years.

After Aegis first met the Greybeards at High Hrothgar, he was attacked by cultists claiming he was the false Dragonborn in Ivarstead. This took him to Solstheim where he met Teldryn Sero, a mercenary looking for work. Aegis only planned to hire the Dunmer for the extent of his short stay on Solstheim, but ended up taking him with him back to Skyrim. Aegis and Teldryn traveled Skyrim together for several months, even after Aegis's prophetic destiny was fulfilled. Aegis found himself uncharacteristically close to the spellsword. Their shared cockiness complimented each other perfectly, and their friendly banter and quips soon turned into flirts and hook-ups. They slept together numerous times, but never considered the other an actual lover; it was just a fling. That happened too many times to be normal for two Mer who were just supposed to be patron and boss, however.


At one point in Aegis's journey, he was tasked by Delphine to infiltrate the Thalmor Embassy by attending a party. She reluctantly agreed that he can bring Teldryn with him as his plus-one (their fake-dating definitely did not help either of their pining). Everything went smoothly, Aegis and Teldryn easily sneaking in and getting the Thalmor intelligence files, though on the way out they were stopped by Mirilina, Aegis's mom. He was of course downright shocked and in disbelief, especially when it was revealed she's Elenwen's lover. Mirilina taunted Aegis, reminding him of how she never did or will care about him and thinks the Gods should've taken him and not Rumellor.

Aegis almost hurt everyone around him with a strong shock spell, blinded by his rage, but Teldryn calmed him and the two escape without further conflict. Teldryn helped Aegis in the aftermath of the encounter, which did a number on his psyche, as it forced him to remember bad memories of his childhood. Aegis would recover from his unexpected reunion with his mother rather quickly, ready to continue with his Dragonborn destiny, mainly thanks to having Teldryn to confine in and support him.

Finding Love

Aegis experienced conflicting emotions during his time pining for Teldryn, hating on himself for being so attached to someone who wasn't even supposed to be his friend. Aegis had never felt such a connection with anyone before; it was like he was made for Teldryn, their souls connected and fates intertwined. They were both heroes of prophecy, Aegis the Dragonborn and Teldryn the Nerevarine, which perhaps factored into them getting along so well. Aegis wanted to be more than just a friend with benefits to Teldryn, angered at himself for not knowing how to express that. But eventually Teldryn did come through, admitting he liked Aegis more than physically. Aegis said he returned those feelings (not without difficulty), and the two began dating, swallowing their pride and getting over themselves. After they started dating, Aegis stopped having sleepless, anxious nights, knowing Teldryn liked him back and that they were officially a couple now.

They were so in love that it only took one year of dating before they decided to wed, Aegis being the one to propose (first as a drunken slur, then as a proper proposal). They had their wedding in Riften at the Temple of Mara, inviting a few guests (Aegis's included his colleagues from the college and Teldryn's included his friends from Solstheim and family from Morrowind). They bought Proudspire Manor in the capital of Skyrim, Solitude, with the money they had accumulated on their journies across the province. They traveled to Blacklight, the capital of Morrowind and Teldryn's hometown, the next week to have their honeymoon. Aegis never much liked Morrowind (due to all the bugs and hot weather), avoiding it in his travels before becoming the Dragonborn, but came to love it in the time he spent there with Teldryn. They spent a lot of time with Teldryn's family there, including his half-sister Alyna. She had saved an abandoned nix-pup and nurse it to health, gifting it to Teldryn and Aegis to take back home to Skyrim. The male nixhound grew wonderfully, the two mer naming him Nixie.

About three years into their marriage, the two started to try to have kids together. Aegis had always wanted children, having talks about it with Teldryn as early as their honeymoon, but only decided to try for a baby when they were comfortably settled down in their home and new domestic life together, knowing they could put all their time and focus into raising children. Their first child together is Aeolus, and about 6 years later they decided to have another one, Eurycleia. Teldryn's family was ecstatic to hear the news that he had kids with Aegis, sending the couple plenty of gifts and congratulations, including toys fashioned after Morrowind creatures for their kids to play with.

Aegis and Teldryn live together in Proudspire Manor in Solitude, with their housecarl Jordis, pet Nix-Hound, and children. Aegis may have had a tough upbringing and a life that was largely lived in isolation, but it all lead him to meeting the love of his life, Teldryn Sero, who he wouldn't trade for the world.


  • Family: Teldryn Sero (husband), Mirilina (mom), Laertes (dad), Rumellor (late elder brother), Aeolus, Eurycleia (children)
  • Voiced by: Benedict Cumberbatch (English) and Daisuke Ono (Japanese)
  • Face claim: Victor Muller + Benedict Cumberbatch mix
  • Handedness: Right
  • Very sensitive on his chest
  • Has a birthmark on his intergluteal cleft
  • Has matching nipple piercings with Teldryn
  • Very attached to his black choker because it was a gift from Teldryn
  • Owns Frost (horse)
  • Very bad swimmer (a tad aquaphobic, has water-related traumas from almost drowning multiple times as a child; he couldn't swim at all before Teldryn helped him learn)
  • Owned Daedric Artifacts: Wabbajack, Black Star, Oghma Infinium (read)
  • As a Bards College graduate, Aegis can play a lute and sing/write songs
  • Like his husband, Teldryn, Aegis is immortal
  • Worships Julianos
  • He forgot what his surname was before taking Teldryn's; he was stripped of it anyways when he was ostracized.
  • He is allergic to most bug bites (mainly hornets)


Teldryn Sero [ husband ]

Aegis's beloved husband, traveling companion, and best friend. They started as patron and boss but quickly moved to friends then to lovers. Aegis proposed to Teldryn and they got married in the Temple of Mara in Riften. They are rarely seen apart, being an inseparable pair. Aegis believes they're soulmates and were meant to be. They are very caring for each other, very much liking to jokingly tease and poke fun of the other (early in their time together, they bicker and clash heads a lot, but it's all to mask the fact they deeply care about each other, and they get better in showing that as they develop an actual romantic relationship). Aegis likes to spoil Teldryn with love and gifts, like cooking and writing songs for him. Aegis hates to be away from Teldryn for too long, keeping a picture of Teldryn in a locket he always keeps on himself. After getting married they rarely have quarrels (unless it's harmless play fights) and celebrate their wedding anniversary every year by travelling to multiple places across Tamriel.

Laertes [ father ]

Aegis's estranged father. Growing up, Aegis was mostly raised by Laertes, and didn't like him. Laertes was both physcially and verbally abusive to Aegis. He always made it clear Aegis was the least favorite child, as he'd never abuse Aegis's older brother, Rumellor, and would actually praise him. This caused Aegis to have sort of a skewed view on parents and himself, believing he would never be enough. Despite the hate Aegis's father gave him, he'd leave home and forever hope for his father to one day change his ways and accept him.


Aegis's housecarl. After becoming thane of Solitude, Elisif appointed Jordis to be Aegis's personal bodyguard who would look after his manor he bought when he was gone. Jordis doesn't like Aegis's absurd behavior, Aegis using her room as a cheese wheel storage and causing several ruckuses in the alchemy lab right outside her room in the middle of the night. This didn't stop them from eventually getting along, Aegis having great trust in Jordis to watch over the manor when he's out with Teldryn.

Fish [ friend ]

Aegis met Fish at one of the magic anomolies caused in the aftermath of Ancano's use of the Eye of Magnus. She was revealed to be from another timeline, in which she was the Last Dragonborn and Archmage of the Mages Guild during the 3rd era (due to some time traveling), something Aegis immediately didn't believe (before Fish gave him some convincing reasoning that made him change his mind). Aegis didn't get along with her at first (as with anyone he sees as competition to his own powers and intelligence), but he soon saw her potential as an ally. She would help him write a short book on the theory of the multiverse before returning to her own timeline, using another of the magic anomolies that had shown up.

Rao [ colleague ]

One of Aegis's students at the College of Winterhold.

Mindok [ colleague ]

Aegis met Mindok shortly after he became Archmage of Winterhold, learning that the Lich was to help advise him. Aegis was immediately impressed by Mindok, learning about his vast knowledge of the world and the stuff he had accomplished, like protecting the College of being destroyed like the rest of Winterhold during the Red Year. The two like to talk about magic and theory together.

Lynsur [ friend ]

Aegis had thought the Snow Elves extinct; until he met Lynsur. Aegis met Lynsur while exploring a Dwemer ruin with Teldryn, finding the Snow Elf immensely helpful in studying the ruins. The two developed a friendship, helping each other in their research and coming up with enchantments to make powerful weapons.

Frea [ friend ]

Aegis met Frea in Solitude, when at the market with Teldryn. At first they did not know what to think of her, but they soon all grew to be good friends.

art by LAD