Connor Owens



7 years, 5 months ago


big wip! take all with grain of salt

  • age 19 Years, perpetually
  • gender Male
  • species Human
  • ... ...
  • themesong



• Can appear uncaring
• Dislikes the sun, adores night
• Damaged sense of personal space
• Finds it easier to identify faces than bodies
• Not very physical, dislikes straining muscles
• Eyes seem to burn- they almost resemble lava
• If it is vital to him, can create a hoarse deer call
• Feels better in one-on-one company than being alone
• Cannot speak, vocal chords seem to be ruined and burned

naive, inconsiderate/self focused, inappropriate, attention craving, passive, pained, confused, childlike, demanding

"It's fur looked like a volcanic wasteland, an underbelly of ashen fur with burned trees, releasing spores of sparks to the bloody-mixed-milk sky,"
- thiswilldestoryyou

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The lukewarm is a ghost whose physical form wavers. He can be, and is most of the time, an entirely solid entity. He does though at times become transparent like water. Is aware of this when it happens, and when it does he prefers coming out in the dark. Otherwise stays in hidden places and shields himself from heat. Eyesight fluctuates and can be fine one day and degenerating the next.. at worst sees dots, shapes, and massive blurring- sometimes sees normally, other times sees a skewed reality.


Body heat is very high and escalates with extreme emotions- if in such a state has the ability to burn others, either willingly or not. Desperate to cool himself down, constantly feels overheated. Displays acts such as scratching against trees and others, aswell as often cooling himself in the river. He is not known to fight, unless protecting someone or himself. As he does have feral instincts, can and will have testosterone buildups where he is more prone to lashing out at other males. If so he specializes in kicking and ramming, and can literally singe others with his bite. Tends to be good at upholding fights for a long time and can induce burns with his body that slow others down.


Burned in his own home during his first life. The forest took his soul, and he is bound to it, despite being reborn human. Slips into a more primal and numbed form when in the forest, as opposed to in the human world where he is more balanced emotionally. Spends a lot of time in the human world outside the forest, and is able to visit it at will. If he does not appear in the forest for long periods, his human strength begins to dwindle. A backpacker in England who takes any job and often struggles with money, yet survives. Has a few friends.


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