


4 years, 13 days ago



This character is too complicated to explain in full detail

Key details: he always has a cold look in his eyes.

In his dark forest form he makes anyone he looks at feel extremely cold or paranoid

He was born to the leader Nightstar and his mate  Brokensong in RiverClan. After both his siblings died of sickness in leaf bare, Brokensong’s sister, Applefern, decided to help raise Darkkit since his father never seemed to pay him any mind.

One day while Darkkit and Brokensong were in the nursery, Nightstar, Applefern, and two other warriors were on patrol. Four foxes attacked them and Nightstar called a retreat to the other warriors. Applefern was cornered by the foxes and fought for her life while the patrol left her behind. Brokensong found out and screamed at Nightstar, calling him a coward for not helping her sister.

Applefern was Brokensong’s best friend, sister, emotional support, and was always there in a time of need. Losing her was like losing a chunk of her heart.

In revenge, Brokensong murdered Nightstar’s best friend, Snowstorm. Blinded by rage and grief, Nightstar exiled Brokensong from the clan. Darkkit watched in sadness as she walked away into the forest. Darkkit was always very close to his mother, always saying how he’ll protect her when he’s a warrior in his innocent kit voice. Soon after Brokensong was exiled, Darkkit became Darkpaw.

Darkpaw had a fairly normal apprenticeship, until when his father and his mentor were on a patrol together. Brokensong leaped out of the bushes on front of them. Darkpaw ran over to his mother in happiness while his father and mentor hissed. Nightstar ordered Darkpaw and his mentor to go back to camp. Fighting against his mentor’s pushing, he witnessed Nightstar kill Brokensong.

He became the mentor to Skunkpaw, later becoming Skunkstripe. Darkfrost never seemed proud or happy at his apprentice, and often made him work twice as hard.

Skipping forward, Darkfrost started to crave power. Sneaking out in the night, he saw that a nearby stream was flowing so roughly that not even the strongest warrior could swim through it. He called for the deputy, Goldenpelt to decide what to do about the issue. Darkfrost pushed her in the River, drowning her. He had claimed that Goldenpelt got too close and fell in, he tried saving her but the River was too strong. Nightstar made him deputy.

Darkfrost rarely feels romantic attraction. When he became mates with the pretty Robinwhisker, he only used her and the kits they had for gain. The kits snuck out to explore. A patrol was sent out but Darkfrost went out on his own to find them. He always hated kits. He especially hates his own kits. Always mewling and talking. Always in trouble. In a rage Darkfrost killed the 4 kits. The patrol had heard the squeals of terror and discovered Darkfrost covered in blood with the four lifeless bodies at his feet.

Darkfrost was exiled for the murder of the kits. His quest for power failed, he wandered the forest. Always staring at warriors with his cold eyes from the trees.

Nobody knows how he died, they just know that he is sometimes seen wandering through the forest, terrorizing RiverClan cats. He always tries to influence new apprentices, so far none have done his bidding. Before his rage can be quenched, he must find way to kill his father.