


3 years, 11 months ago


STATUS:  work in progress


full name: Howl Smirnov

age: 22

gender: male

pronouns: he/him

height: 5'7

HC voice: none yet

sexuality: bi

status: alive

D.O.B: September 14th

relationship status: single 


An aspiring crime journalist, Howl tries his best to track down the juiciest scenes and clues to his next report. Unfortunately, ever since dropping out of college, he’s not been very lucky with his career, all his reports seem to go unnoticed, all covered by bigger journalists. Until one day he spots two shady figures in an alley carrying a strangely shaped black bag



Howl tries to come off as cool and charismatic to others, putting up a charade in order to impress people. In reality he’s really insecure about himself, constantly doubting his worth and if he’s good enough. Howl often mutters rly self deprecating things to himself, he actually mumbles to himself ALOT. Despite being a crime journalist, he’s rly scared of horror movies and scary situations in general, even the sight of blood is enough to make him faint. 

What made him want to be a crime journalist

Howl was raised by his uncle and aunt, his uncle was a cop and his aunt was a detective, both were very passionate about their work which inspired him to become just as great as they were. However, Howl was too bad at social interactions and meek to become a cop and decided to go with detective work instead, but with his great fear of blood, just became a reporter instead.