
4 years, 3 days ago



(Warning! Backstory consists of gruesome detailing. Can be reworded if needed!)

Zin was born to Asriel and his mate, who is an unnamed she wolf. Asriel and his lover had a total of six puppies. Asriel and his lover didn’t want the puppies, so they trekked to the nearest river to kill the puppies. One by one, Asriel took the first four puppies, smiled at them, and threw them in the lake to drown. At the fifth puppy, the lover was reluctant to let Asriel drown the puppy. Becoming furious that his mate disagrees with him, he drops the puppy, grabs his dagger that Kretcher gave him, and stabs this wife, slicing down so that her organs spilled all over the fifth puppy. He pushed the puppy and his mate into the river. Looking down into the bag the puppies were carried in, Zin cowers in fear as she looked up at her blood drenched father. Grabbing the dagger, Asriel aimed it at Zin and stabbed her through her paw and left her to bleed out in pain.

While Asriel walked home alone, a mother Chameloragon and two of her children walked out from the jungle, dragged the bodies from the river, and ate them. The mother grabbed the bag with Zin and walked back to the jungle. While the three babies slept, the mother Chameloragon examined Zin to see her bleeding, starving, and dehydrated body. She grabbed the bag and walked to the center of the jungle to where a humongous tree sat. The tree was named Koka, a shapeshifting tree, judge of the jungle, boundary between the sky and the ground. Above her live the Crebrodills, massive birds of prey, while on the ground live the Chameloragons. Koka grabbed the bag with one of her long branches and fed the puppy fruit and sap.

Zin was raised by Koka for many seasons, learning her wisdom and knowledge. Zin still had her father’s dagger. Strangely enough, the dagger was her favorite item.

Going out into the jungle, Zin sees three Chameloragon adolescents. They were starving, seeming to be abandoned. After a small fight which ended with the youngest collapsing from exhaustion, Zin races back to Koka, grabbed as much fruit as possible, and raised the Chameloragons back to health.

The three Chameloragons turned out to be the same children of the mother that rescued her. The youngest Chameloragon was a rare albino Chameloragon, only able to change the back scales on their body. Seen as a liability to the leader Chameloragon, the mother was given a choice to leave the jungle with her kids or abandon them. She chose to abandon them. They were never taught to catch their own food.

Koka tried to convince the leader to take the Chameloragons back in, but declined aggressively, and Koka was forced to tell Zin and the Chameloragons to leave the jungle.

The young Chameloragons only trusted Zin, and would do anything to protect her. One day, they were abducted by pirates. To protect Zin, the Chameloragons attacked every pirate that got close to them, cutting of their hands and impaling them with their tongues.

(This part may change because I’m still working on it)
The pirates convinced Zin that they would help her, that she and her companions would be useful to their crew. Zin and her companions, still having nowhere to go, agreed to go with them. Zin became corrupt and mean. She won’t hesitate to kill. Her father’s insanity showed just a little bit, but it was still nowhere near to the level of insanity her father lived with.

(End of part)

Kretcher began hearing the news about a gang of pirates tormenting anyone they encounter and went to look for them. Due to Kretcher being the king and having the king Ezwi inside him, he has powers that can go deep into anyone’s mind to make them never the same again. The pirates surrendered to him. Then something caught his eye. The dagger that Zin has. Asking Zin where she got it she replied that she doesn’t remember, all she knows is that she has it. After learning that it was her father’s and that Kretcher was his best friend, she formed an alliance with him and became his new second in command.