Bitcrush's Comments

yo am i able to buy them for 250-300 da points?

You can buy him for 250 points if you willing to offer either art or character

can i just buy em with the DA points?

if you want something to add to the DA points do any of these intrest ya?

or i can do a half body or a full body for them + DA points [art examples]

Would you take trades for him?

I can take trades! though I got him for 500 points, I can make it half (250) ^^

What do you want for them?

points,sincei brought bitcrush for 500 points 

I'm going to need to save up a bit more, I'll come back when I have enough

would anybody from here or here interest you for a trade? if not, i could offer three painted headshots

Sorry, I didn't see anyone I liked ^^; thank you for offering though!

uhhhh, could i offer a chibi fullbody, a chibi halfbody and possibly a trade?

After some consideration I think i'll have to decline, but thank you very much for the offer!!