


4 years, 3 months ago



"April showers brought spring flowers to my life

Just beyond the rainbow I found paradise"


-Title Hunter

-Public Name Gentle-Bear

-Nicknames Bear

-True Name Sweet-Heart

-Family Name None

-Relative Age Adult

-Rank Hunter

-Sex Male

-Skills Comedian, Chameleon, Summoner

Physical Information

-Build Mostly average build but he's slightly taller than average

-Fur Type Short and soft

-Most Common Expression A soft smile

-Accessories None

-Other None

Spiritual Information

-Cosmic Name Brightest-Star

-Familiar Giant Golden Eagle (Eyes)

-Magical Ability None
















- Bear is quite popular within his community as well as among the other hunters he works with. He's a very talkative and friendly guy, sometimes too friendly, as he's known for his ability to small-talk for hours. Others often go to Bear for help or advice, which he is more than happy to give

- Bear loves parties, but isn't too big on heavy drinking. Should you ever convince him to get inebriated... oh boy.

- Eyes will often help his companion with hunting, especially with scouting from the air. Bear's closest friends get to enjoy the privilege of riding on Eyes' back

- He loves to go on long walks and hikes, anything that involves physical activity. Climbing is another favorite hobby of his

- One of his favorite foods is stew, his uncle Beetle would always make him and his siblings the meal when they were little and still does to this day

- His human name is Brett

- His alignment is Neutral Good

- Bear was originally an adopt from SioP made by Lira!

Parents and Siblings

-Maternal Grandparents 

        Mud-In-His-Fur ♂

-Paternal Grandparents 

        Cloudy-Sky ♂






          Butterfly, Ant-Carrying-Leaves, A-Sturdy-Stone, A-Black-Spider's-Web


        Sun-Peaking-Through-The-Clouds, Eagle-Flying-High-Above


        She-Fell-Into-Briar , Snow-Falling ♂, Beetle-Crawling-Out-Of-A-Log ♂, Two-Squirrels-Running , A-Daisy ♂


       Three-Bards-Performing , Leaves-Blown-By-The-Trees ♂, He-Had-Too-Many-Anta-Berries ♂, Jumping-Frog

Spouse and Offspring


        None ( yet ;) )








Bear doesn't know where he'd be without his best friend. The two of them have been friends since they were teenagers and only grew closer as the years went on. Beech and her brothers are practically members of his family at this point and are always welcome into their house. There was a brief period of time during Bear's relationship with Mouse where he cut ties from her (at Mouse's demand), and it was one of the worst periods of his life. After Mouse broke with up with him, Beech helped him recover from the abusive relationship. Nowadays, Bear is coming to the realization that he wants to be more than just friends with Beech. How many years will it take him to make a move? Who knows!


Mouse is perhaps the most damaging cat in Bear's life, and he never wants to see her again. Bear and Mouse got to know each other during their teen years and became quick friends due to Bear's friendly nature. As they reached adulthood, Bear asked if she would like to date him, to which she quickly said yes, not exactly seeing it as such a commitment. She realized how big and friendly Bear's family was and how she could take advantage of Bear's nature, so she pulled him into a relationship where all she did was receive. In particular, Mouse cut him off from many of his friends (especially girls). Mouse broke up with him right before he planned to propose to her, as she had gotten bored of the relationship. Bear was heartbroken and devastated by her, and although he's moved on, this past still kept him from being in another relationship since.


Bear loves his mother with all of his heart. She's one of the most supportive cats he knows and she's always been by his side. Bramble pushed her children to try new things and really get out into the world, perhaps rubbing part of her restless spirit onto them. She suspected that something was up with her son when he was dating Mouse and her blood boils at mention of the name. As of now, she's noticed the romantic tension between Bear and Beech, and is trying every way she can to get them to talk about these feelings.


Although Bear is closer to his mother than he is his father, Crow is still a very important part of Bear's life. Bear likely gets his kind-hearted nature from his father. Crow, just like Bush, is very supportive and perhaps the more nurturing parent. Bear tends to go to his father when he's emotional, as he feels like his father always knows the right thing to say. Just like his wife, Crow is really hoping Bear and Beech will recognize their mutual romantic interest.


Bear loves his other siblings, but he and Web are the closest, considering that they were born together. In contrast to his loud, excitable nature, Web is very cool and laid-back. Web likes to listen to Bear talk, and conversely, he's one of the only cats she finds she can really connect to. Bear knows he can confide in Web with anything and was the first cat he talked to about his intensifying emotions about Beech, and unbeknownst to him, she plans to talk to Beech herself. 

Outside Sources


Drawn Template by hatoCAFE and @feliisvulpes

Written Template by hatoCAFE, HarmonicPeeps, and @feliisvulpes

Template Coded by HarmonicPeeps