


3 years, 11 months ago


20+ moons
Cis Female
Oakclan Monarchclan


Observative • Loyal • Protective • Quiet • Reclusive • Unassertive • Irritable • Dissociative

This poor girl's whole personality is pretty much a trauma response. Between the death of her parents, mentor, friends, and the defecture of her lover and siblings, Lambspirit does not get her hopes up. The small molly makes sure to keep distance between herself and others, being alone was less painful than having friends leave. The only cat she relies on is her mother, Dipperstorm.

Lambspirit can seem quite lackluster in the personality department due to her inky and persistent depression, but those who get to know her get to see what a deep and gorgeous soul she has. The blue and white molly got a beautiful and ghostily voice from her mother, Violet. She is a deep thinker and likes to talk about heavy topics through a critical lens and tends to only speak about things she has really mulled over. She is incredibly intelligent and that is obvious when she talks. The hard part is breaking through her thick, protective barrier she places around herself.


  • Affection
  • Kittens
  • Wind
  • Rain


  • Intense clan loyalism
  • Hot days
  • Dogs
  • Snow
"oh god i'm so lonely..."


Life had been relatively uneventful for the first few moons of Lamb’s life, enjoying exploring abandoned human dwellings and spending time with her parents and brothers. This lasted for two moons until a strange group of cats found the den they had made for themselves. It all seemed like just a nightmare, watching the fight break out between her parents and the large strange cats. Her mother had tried to protect them while their father fought one of the cats. Everything went by in a flash as the biggest of the rogues slammed her father into the ground and tore his throat out like he was a mere prey item. Wishing herself to wake up she opened her eyes to see her mother pounded into the ground while another cat grabbed her. Screaming she watched as her brothers ran, seeming to get away from the attacking cats. Lamb was too shaky and weak to break free from her captor.

While in the clan she is silent and hiding in the nursery, feeling horribly jealous of the happy family mere feet away from her. Kithood was only made better by the presence of Dipperstorm, a cinnamon molly who treated Lamb like a daughter.

At six moons she was given the name Lambpaw and a mentor named Brightspirit, a big lumbering tom with a kind face. He taught her the importance of caring for yourself and was always so incredibly kind to her. While she never talked much about how much she cared for him she loved him like a brother. On her first invasion of Calypso's compound the small molly beat the crap out of a cat and the face of her biological mother came back to her, relieving a lot of the guilt she had harbored for forgetting her. This happiness was short-lived though as a beam fell and killed her beloved mentor. She screamed and cried for someone to help her get him out from under his grave, but everyone else knew it was too late and merely dragged her back to camp. Upon his death she grew even more cold and callous, rarely tears not clinging to her fur.

A few days later she was named after her late mentor, now Lambspirit. The only way she found to cope was to dedicate her life to killing Calypso. She knew that the only way they could ever breathe lightly again would be after the death of the vicious dictator. Upon this realization she found likeminded individuals, such as Ospreyshine and Lakesnap. They planned their takedown of Calypso and together formed a pact, uncaring of whether they lived as long as they ensured the downfall of Calypso. Which, they did in fact achieve. When the war came the three fought mercilessly to end the reign. Lambspirit being mauled by one of Calypso's dogs, losing her back right leg in the process. Ospreyshine and Lakesnap taking down many cats in order to let Ivystar kill Calypso once and for all.

After the war the three were shocked to have made it out alive, but now had to figure out how to live in times of peace. Unforuntately, all of the patchy molly's siblings fled the clan in hopes of broadening their horizons. This caused Dipperstorm and Lambspirit to become even more dependent upon each other, being the only family left. Lambspirit decided that she was going to be selfish for the first time in her life and admit her feelings of love to Ospreyshine. He told her he felt the same way, but that he needed to work on himself before they could become mates. Then a few days later fled the clan to figure his life out. This riddled her with intense guilt and sent her back into a depressive spiral. The only saving grace being that Ivystar bestowed an apprentice to her, giving her something to live strive to be better for.


• deep yellow eyes

• small white molly with blue tabby patches along her body and plumy tail

• long coat that curls in a few places

• lithe build

• is missing her back right leg at the hock


• Lambspirit's voice claim is Mitski

• she dissociates when upset

• loves small things, especially stones

• she blames herself for her siblings and lover's fleeing the clan

• Lambspirit does not care what others think of her

• she hums and has a beautiful singing voice like her late mother




I...I told him I loved him and he left. I just...I don't know what to do.



She's my closest friend, and I love her like I do Ospreyshine...but I can't tell her that. I can't end up losing her as well...



Things were so much easier when I could hate you. Now that you are reasonable and willing to listen to reason I can't help but kind of like you...I miss when we were apprentices and we could merely exist in mutual hatred. But...thanks for the support...I guess.



Darkwillow has grown into such a strong cat. I remember what a hot-headed young cat she was. She probably doesn't realize it but her coming to me about her identity made me feel true happiness for the first time in a long time. That level of trust is hard to come upon. While I feel a bit awkward around her because of not only my old romantic feelings for her, but also my sister's love of her. I still love and value Darkwillow deeply, but we just have grown slightly apart. Luckily, having an apprentice means we can reconnect.


Brightspirit [deceased]

Why did you have to die? I still can't come to terms with your death...I loved you like a big brother. I wanted to be selfish and grow up alongside you, but I...I still can't accept your death. I loved you Bright...sorry, I should've told you that while you were alive.



Mom...I'm so sorry that I'm the only one left. It wasn't anything you did or didn't do that made my siblings leave...I don't know that I will understand what happened. Don't worry...I won't leave though. I can promise that.



Yew. I don't know what to say...I understand following Softfire to some degree...but how do I deal with this ache? This pain of you and our other siblings departure? I want to be happy for you...I really do. I just...don't think I can be.



I...I want to be angry at you. I could you? I love you, you're my only sister. We grew up were my best friend, my partner in crime...I will never understand, but I will also never stop loving you, Magic.



Oh Hare. I know you followed the others because they are our family...but I miss your positive outlook and kind soul. Love you brother...

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