


3 years, 10 months ago


Jean // He/Him ♦ vampire sorta?


Jean’s considered one of the popular crowd.  His strong work ethic despite his easygoing and comedic persona let’s him get along with most everyone. Despite that he only has two or so really close friends.  He shows a friendly face but tends to keep anything personal to himself, the reason being...

he is hiding his identity as essentially a shapeshifting vampire (I don’t have a name they disguise themselves as human and drink blood idk).  In this world society lives knowing there are these secret “vampires” among them that remain undetected.

Jean was raised by a single mother who died when he was in middle school, and he had minimal support from other vampires until he reached adulthood. He believes in interacting with humans like his mother, which most others frown upon, so he remains an outcast.

  • events:
    • Recently an unknown group has appeared that has manufactured a “poison” bullet that can uncover a vampires disguise. The group however is terrorizing the streets by firing indiscriminately at groups at night, causing chaos. Jean and his two close friends are victim to one of these attacks while leaving a bar. One friend shot in the leg, Jean in the stomach, and His true identity is discovered on the way to his apartment. Now he must decide if he must leave, or if he can trust his friends.
    • the bullet‘s mystery contents cause a violent reaction in vampires that temporarily cripples them and makes it impossible to maintain their human transformation
  • More on Jean:
    • Jeans mother’s was likely killed by humans when she was finding food for her and her son, but Jean doesn’t know for sure.
    • Lives alone in a small studio. He pays rent by working like crazy.


  • appearance:
    • wears glasses always
    • two moles under right eye (I know I always switch them oops)
    • elongated index finger/toe claw.
    • can move his little “ear wings”
    • body is feathered, not fur
  • transformation is similar to mystique from the x-men movies?
  • he isn’t overly silly, but he has a clumsy side
  • eats the vampire equivalent of unhealthy junk. I.e. he eats animal blood and meat as much as he can before needing human blood. It isn’t very good for him.