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Omryn is, really, as good of a leader of his tribe as anyone could really expect. He tries to be patient, he tries to manage them well. However, the sheer reality of the environment that they live in, and the yearly travels they have to make to survive, and the unpredictability of their resources means he is regularly forced to make tough decisions.

By this point, Omryn is used enough to tough choices that when he sees that one might have to be made, he has very little hesitation about making the tough decision and tough action, and it very simply just happens.

Because of how quickly he accepts that tough things have to happen, he can come off poorly to members of other groups, but members of his own tribe know that he will always answer questions on why things happened, and will always have a well-meaning reason. He's not a tyrant who's just in it for power at all; he simply recognises that sometimes the only way to keep other simas alive in harsh environments is to be even harsher to any threats that face them.

He does his best to manage things so that's never called for, though.

Omryn likes to let each primal prioritise what they do in the group based on what they like doing, he makes sure everyone gets a say in things that don't need to be decided quickly or immediately, and he only takes decisions that endanger any of his tribe if it protects more other members than will be hurt.

He is fiercely protective of his tribe, and keeps a very careful eye on any newcomers to his group.

Omryn is not, ultimately a hard sima to impress, in various forms.
The main things that impress him is when a sima is improving a skill they have as much as possible, and someone standing up for beliefs that they have. He doesn't actually mind anyone standing up against his leadership, as long as they do it to raise a valid concern. If it's some valid concern, then he might not have thought about it, and it might be a thing he needs to consider to make a good choice. He respects someone having the courage and the resolve to stand up for things, even if it means talking back to him. He'll respect it, even if they ultimately have a silly objection - as long as it came form a sincere place.
That said, he absolutely does not respect anyone standing up to him who's being insincere or obnoxious about it.
He also doesn't respect anyone who raises objections when it makes it clear that a decision of his is final.
Omryn likes to give the impression that he's impressed by what kits can do, already, and often plays up his reactions to what they do, such as by pretending he's in pain while play wrestling. He does this to encourage them to keep going at things they enjoy, and normally after a few repeats of this behaviour he's genuinely impressed when they try, at seeing the improvement, and seeing how they're keeping going with what they enjoy


Primal gene

Rare longer tail, Rare alpha jewel, Rare back mane, Rare Fur edit

Uncommon dual jewel, Uncommon heterochromia, Uncommon longer muzzle

Common dark sclera, Common beard edit.








