


9 years, 7 months ago


-Name: Bandit "Usa-nin"

-Age: 19

-Gender: Male

-Height: 3'5"

-Job: MERCENARY: Seeking employment Bandit is a "work for hire" mercenary. Currently unemployed, he will do anything from babysitting, doing errands, along with more serious jobs such as acting as a bodyguard/thief/infiltrator ect., or even as a grocery store clerk. Most don't take him seriously because he's a little toy, but when given the chance to prove himself, he easily changes their minds. He's also very agile, fast, and can jump incredibly high for his size.

-Home Area: Willowoods
A beautiful, green forest with a tiny village located in the center. Fresh fruit grows on trees and berries grow abundantly on bushes. Forest trails for sightseeing and hiking wind through the deepest depths of the forest and identify some of its most stunning sites. It's a peaceful area for toys who like to live in harmony with nature.

He lives away from most others, in a small cottage near a creek. His cottage is covered in grass and appears to look like a small hill, other than the chimney and a few windows giving it away.

-Toy: Rabbit Ninja Plush

-History: Bandit is a one-of-a-kind plushie created by an old woman for her adventurous granddaughter. He was created as a protective ward and playmate for the girl, and inside his chest, a talisman is embedded. The girl kept him with her wherever she went, and even into highschool, but when she went to study overseas in America, he was lost in the air transport, eventually he ended back at the old woman' s house, as they used the address sewn into a tag on his tail. The girl knew he was there, but never got the time to come retrieve him. After about 3 years of sitting on the old woman's shelf during the day, and wandering about helping her with tasks at night, she passed away. Bandit grieved her death fierily, since the woman was his creator, and when relatives came to clean out the old house she'd lived in, he was tossed away as junk. He managed to avoid being trapped and shredded in the garbage trucks that came to claim the abandoned possessions of the old woman. After leaving the estate, he found himself trapped in a bad rain storm, his fabric was in danger of getting ruined and he was quite miserable, luckily he managed to sneak into an old book store and hid there until the storm passed. In the morning, he awoke to find an invitation to a mysterious island by the name of "Toy Isle", he accepted it, but hasn't told anyone how he came to arrive at the island.

-Personality: Taciturn, reclusive, tends to be mysterious in behavior, and prefers to not reveal his past to those he doesn't trust. He is optimistic, but socially awkward in most situations, since he's either taken to be adorable and then creeps people out with his profession and ninja-like behaviors. When not judged or humiliated by people thinking he's cute or short or whatever, he is actually quite friendly and often starts conversations with others who seem alone. Rarely talks around large groups.

-Additional Info: When hugged/squished, a squeaking sound can be heard. His "fur" is soft minky, and the seams are hard to spot unless looking very closely,since they match his fabric color, which makes him uncomfortable. He chose to come to the island and stay as a plush rather than take a human form. His body can go limp at will and floppy like a plushy, this helps him to avoid injury or damage if he falls/gets hit ect. He wants the company of another toy, but due to his toy form, it's hard to make a serious relationship, most think he's cute because he's a bunny plush, nothing more than that. His hair is also cut strips of minky, not hair or fur, so it generally is in the same style.

He enjoys fruits, vegetables, spicy and bitter foods. Not very fond of sweets or sugary foods.