
Gender: Female

Age: Thousands

Birthday: Lost

Height: 4' 12"

Genie (Torso) Height: ???

Hair color: Brunette

Eye color: Orange (Right eye corrupted)

Tail Color: Orange (before her freedom)

Genie Type: Ancient

Sexual Preference: None

Job: ???

Loves: Sharing the fate she once had

Hates: Current Humanity, People who imprisoned her, Difficult Obstacles

    Samiya was one of the original genies who were created to protect the land of a civilization with aid from the goddess that brought magic to the world. Originally her thoughts and feelings were repressed to always be happy, until the fall of the land and the pillaging of goods and works, including several genies in their vessels. When a bag was spilled and her vessel was rubbed, she appeared right next to an Immortal Killer glove. Mesmerized by it, she reached for it and put it on, normally shattering her hand but it ended up fusing with her painfully as she was released from her vessel, freed through an unconventional means as she remembers everything. Being an innocent village maiden who was voted as the next sacrifice without her ability to say no. Emerged angry and full of hate, she used her new magic to turn several of the invading soldiers into genie slaves with vessels, an evil grin drawing upon her face.

    As time moved on, she did not age but the world around her did. She wondered the world, later disguising as a woman selling fruity drinks to change others into genies. She became obsessed with forcing people into the same situation she was in long ago. It didn't matter if they were good, bad, royalty or poor, all would be a target of her djinnification. But as it was getting closer to the 21st century, she ended up having to take a life in self-defense. But rather than the soul going into the afterlife or great beyond, she ended up absorbing the soul, leading it to just chant dark and murderous desires, leading to her killing others and absorbing their souls and leading to her mind getting worse. Cracks formed on her body from her Immortal Killer glove all across the right side of her body and even corrupting her right eye into something more mystical. Her mind was corrupted from wanting to share her torture of being a genie, to now punishing and killing without remorse. All the way until she became enraged and destroyed Kansas City, becoming a pure giant monster stripped of all her morals and personality.