
Gender: Female

Age: 20

Birthday: May 17th

Height: 4' 12"

Merform Height: 5' 12"

Hair color: Blonde

Eye color: Green

Tail Color: Mainly Purple

Sexual Preference: Bisexual

Job: Ancestral Ambassador

Loves: Dancing, a lovely garden, Pretty Purple Things

Hates: Violence of any kind, ruined dresses, no makeup she likes around

    Born in Aquinous under the Moto family, one of the very few that were once human. Gemmae originally was going to modern schools to be more like the commoners, mainly because her parents were planning for a mail heir to the family and didn't really mind what path she went for. When in elementary school, she meet and befriended Ignis and ended up becoming best friends throughout her time at the public schools. However, when she was 16, her parents had to make the decision of her becoming the next Ancestral Ambassador of the family after they could not produce an heir. So, she had to leave her world she was so use to behind and become involved with politics. However, since she needed a guard, she decided to "hire" Ignis as her guard, allowing them to still be able to see each other and putting her hot temperature to good use.