Leighton Cousland



4 years, 8 days ago


Name: Sicilia Cousland
Nickname: Rose, Cilia
Role: Cousland Heiress
Titles: Lady Cousland
Age: 28 Years
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Appearance: Blonde, brown eyes. A round, gentle face.
Height: 5'6
Weight: 147 LBs
Sexuality: Straight
Personality: A gentle woman to a friend but a fierce lion to a foe.

Sicilia has a gentle heart and cares deeply for her close friends and for her people. She often visits the town and gives out coin and food to those who need it. She views Elves as equals, and even has many Elven friends.

When it comes to her enemies Sicilia gives them no such kindness. She is fierce and as rigid as a stonewall. She grants no mercy to those who do her people, or her family, wrong.

Sicilia is also naturally curious, eager to learn as many things as she can. She is much like a sponge, soaking up everything around her even after she’s full. She takes great honor in being a Cousland and does her best to keep anyone from tarnishing her family name.

Fears: Failing her family, Not living up to expectations, Dying before her time, Losing her family

Likes: Helping the little guy, Apples, Flowers, Learning new things, Swordplay, Theatre Plays, Music, Nice Dresses Dislikes: Family gatherings
Class: Warrior
Specialization: Guardian

Communication: 65
Constitution: 40
Cunning: 55
Dexterity: 85
Magic: 55
Perception: 35
Strength: 58 [+5% Origin Modifier]
Willpower: 85
Sanity: 85
Additional Skill: Initiative
Ability focus: Cultural Lore [Cunning]
Languages: King’s Tongue, Elven [30%]
Firstborn to the Teyrn Arden Cousland Sicilia had a simple childhood. At the age of 10 she began studying, preparing to take up the Title of Teryna when the time comes.

She used to spend a decent amount of time in the Highever Alienage helping the Elves. During her time there she picked up on a bit of Elvish. Now she visits whenever she’s not busy with Studies or Training.

During whatever freetime she could find,whenever she wasn't in the alienage, Sicilia practiced swordplay with the Guards. At first her Father disapproved, saying that she was a Lady and to leave the fighting to her future Husband, but as time went on he began to approve and began teaching her himself.

Bann Sarim Cousland - Ancestor
Bann Haelia/Mather Cousland - Ancestor
Teyrna Elethea Cousland - Ancestor
Teyrn Ardal Couslan - Father

⬪ Full Name ⬪⬪ Alias ⬪⬪ Race ⬪
⬪ Born ⬪
⬪ Currently Resides In ⬪
⬪ Religion ⬪⬪ Relationship Status ⬪⬪ Sexual Orientation ⬪
⬪ Local Reputation ⬪⬪ Citizenship ⬪
⬪ Eyes ⬪⬪ Hair ⬪⬪ Height ⬪
⬪ Faceclaim ⬪ text
⬪ Scent ⬪ text
⬪ Complexion & Build ⬪ text
⬪ Likes ⬪
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⬪ Dislikes ⬪
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⬪ Fears ⬪
  • 1
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⬪ Ambitions ⬪
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⬪ Personality ⬪
⬪ General Occupation ⬪⬪ Hobbies ⬪⬪ Skills & Languages ⬪


