Daxton's Comments

AAAH I love birds and bird themed stuff SM!! Anyone in my unsorted or ufs/uft interest you? If not I'd definitely be willing to offer art! :)

I did not see any characters I would use. What sort of character are you comfortable drawing?

I'm willing to do pretty much anything but mechs! :)

Could you do some art of arbor?

Of course! She's super cute. What were you thinking Daxton is worth?

Daxton is free obo so whatever you're willing to offer. But I would think half body minimum, but I wouldn't be upset with just a headshot

4 Replies


Lord Hemph for this one https://toyhou.se/11557565.tbn

Leah for this one https://toyhou.se/12841982.tbn

Katie for this one https://toyhou.se/10995954.tbn

I liked Lord Hemph!!

Hello, I’m interested in this character 

please read the folder description