Jespar's Comments

May I offer art for this character? Or would you be interested in any of my kiddos in my th?

Hey! sorry for the late reply, and unfortunately I couldn't really find myself connecting to anyone in your th ;( And I'm not really looking for art right now, sorry! 

Are they UFO? And would you accept art?

They are UFO, and it depends!

Would you accept art or characters? (you can look almost anywhere in my TH and tell me if someone interests you)

Hey, apologies for the late reply--I would mayyybe accept art, depending on quality, and I'm not really looking for characters rn unless they really speak to me. Feel free to send art examples (I have a list of contacts on my profile) and I'd glady let you know if I'm interested ^^ So so sorry again, I should've gotten back sooner aaaaaaaaa