Odysseus Galbanitte



4 years, 18 days ago


Odysseus Galbanitte


Cis Male (He/Him)

Physically mid-30's

The Lady

5'11" (181 cm)

Mixed Dunmer/Khajiit

Morag Tong Grandmaster
Tribunal member
Dibella Priest






Born 21st of Hearthfire, 3e 373, Odysseus is the Morag Tong Grandmaster and a Dibella priest. He is an agent who wields halberds and short blades, donning light armor. He's known to go hand-to-hand occasionally, having claws. He lives in Morrowind but is considered an Outlander, having grown up in High Rock (and not being fully Dunmer).


Short Blade







  • Flirting
  • Astronomy
  • Living dangerously


  • Hangovers
  • Ash storms
  • Mismatching outfits

Odysseus is very charismatic, others finding his charm intoxicating. He appears to be overall energetic and without tire, but deep down he feels things in his past weighing him down greatly (namely the loss of his adoptive father and distance from his biological family). He is known to be a bit intolerant, wanting to correct anyone who disagrees with him. He enjoys sleeping around and taking big risks (perhaps like starting an affair with a living God...), something he got in the habit of as a priest of Dibella.

Odysseus is an existentialist, having a great interest in philosophy and how Nirn works. Ever since he was a kid, he loved to look at the stars and study them. He often has thoughts of retiring as the Morag Tong Grandmaster to become an astronomer, owning a few star charts and studying astronomy inbetween his contracts.


High Rock

Odysseus had no memory of his biological parents, his earliest memories being growing up in an orphanage in High Rock, where he was eventually adopted by a female Breton, Clautrice. He lived with her in a small village outside Camlorn, where he watched her fall in love and marry a male Redguard sheep herder, Razk.

Odysseus was often bullied by the other children in the village for his unusual looks (being half-Khajiit), and his affinity for reading about "nerd things" like astrology. He'd often go outside alone to stargaze, never playing with the other children who would pick on him. It got to the point where one night, when he was 17, Odysseus wished they would all just die. This wish came true, his village on fire when he awoken, raided by bandit arsonists. Clautrice managed to escape with Odysseus in time, but Razk died fighting the attackers. Odysseus and his mother moved in with her sister in a small town outside Daggerfall. Clautrice mourned for months and was deeply depressed, something Odysseus struggled with because he saw himself as fully responsible for what transpired in the village, even though it was very likely a coincidence. Odysseus eventually moved away at 18, distancing himself from his mother. He came in league with a Temple of Dibella in Daggerfall, joining them as a priest. He found great joy in their worships and practices and would worship Dibella for his whole life.

A Place to Stay

Odysseus eventually wanted to adventure out into the world and spread the word of Dibella. He went to Morrowind during the same time the Nerevarine was there (his cousin), where he learned about his biological family. His mother was a Redoran councillor (a Sero) and his father a Khajiit mercenary. Since Odysseus was an illegitimate child born through an unlawful affair, he was left in an orphanage by his parents and forgotten. Odysseus was given the chance to meet with his mother and join House Redoran, but he refused and ended up in league with the Morag Tong instead, which he joined.

[????] Odysseus ended up joining the Tribunal, but only as a cover for his Morag Tong duties. He climbed the ranks and became well-respected, everyone unbeknownst that he was an assassin. Odysseus was only meant to lay low in the Tribunal, but he couldn't help but be attracted to the living God Vivec, wanting to get closer to him. He became close with the God, able to visit him personally as he pleased as a well-respected member, and perhaps through Odysseus's impossible to resist charm he started a romantic relationship with Vivec. It was mainly physical, but Odysseus loved to listen to Vivec talk about anything he wanted for hours. Vivec seemed to like to hear Odysseus talk to; perhaps it was their shared interest in existentialism. Vivec eventually birthed Odysseus's child, who he took in and raised alone, naming them Nalani.

When Vivec was killed by the Nerevarine, Odysseus left the Tribunal, having no need for it as his Morag Tong duties were long completed and his lover was dead. Odysseus would sometimes think about hunting down the Nerevarine for revenge, but thought it would be no use; killing them wouldn't bring the God back. Odysseus did feel a deeper connection to Vivec, perhaps because he birthed his child and all their existentialist conversations and bonding, but like with all his relationships it was just mainly physical and something that didn't last. Odysseus went back to focusing on his Dibella worship, even if the Eight weren't very revered in Morrowind.

Growing Old

Odysseus raised Nalani to be an assassin like him. The other Morag Tong members helped him, keeping watch of her when he was out. Odysseus was always afraid of how she'd turned out, being a Demigod, but she fit right in with Morrowind society. Odysseus never told anyone who birthed her, lying to anyone who asked that it was just an Altmer prostitute he hooked up with for awhile before they died in childbirth.


  • Family: Clautrice (adoptive mom), Razk (late adoptive dad), Teldryn Sero (cousin), Nalani (daughter)
  • Voiced by: Hugh Jackman (English) and Junichi Suwabe (Japanese)
  • Face claim:
  • Handedness: Ambidextrous
  • Has bad liver problems
  • Worships Dibella (only poses as a Tribunal priest as a front)
  • He can see in the dark (being half-Khajiit)
  • Legally, his surname should be Sero; since he chooses not to associate with his birth family, however, he takes Clautrice's surname, Galbanitte.


Vivec [ lover ]


Eno Hlaalu [ mentor ]


Clautrice [ mother ]

Odysseus has always been close to his adoptive mother. He views her as his real mother, completely dismissing his biological mother who abandoned him.
