King of Cats ( Saber )



4 years, 19 days ago


Name: King of Cats
AKA: Cat Sith, Cat Sidhe, Saber of Cats, Cat Saber.
Gender: Female
Age (physical): 14 (human form)
Sexuality:  she is child
Class: Saber
Affinity: Earth
Alignment: Chaotic good


A servant who is a combination of the cat sith and king of cats. Despite her being relatively old for a cat she still appears to be young as a human. She will become upset if you treat her like a child, she is very proud after all.  

Bond 1:

Height/Weight:  138 cm/32 kg ( cat form) 159 cm/46 kg ( human form)

Source: Celtic mythology/folk tales

Region: Scotland Ireland and  British Isles.

Alignment: Chaotic good

Gender: Female

Her cat form is short so you can pat her head, but be careful of her crown.

Bond 2: Fusion of Many Beasts

The Cat Sith...a type of fairy though some believe it to be a witch who had transformed into a cat 9 times getting trapped in the form of a cat for the rest of their lives.

The King of Cats...a story about a young man who is told by somes cat that someone of an odd name had died and to let someone else with a similarly odd name know. He returns home and tells his wife and cat of what happened. Upon hearing this the cat leap ups claiming to be the king of cats and leaves out the chimney never to be seen again.

Two cats similar yet different merged into one to create this heroic spirit quite odd indeed.

Bond 3:Charisma of the King of Cats

Whether she is truly the actual King of Cats or not it doesn’t matter. She is able to stand proud before them and regal as any other king would their people. She will lead the cats wherever they may go and with as many of her lives as possible. Yes this alone is why she is the King of Cats

Bond 4:Samhain

A festival that is not about the king of cats nor the cat sith truly. It is a festival held at the end of harvest and beginning of winter. One tradition of Samhain is to leave a saucer of milk out for the cat sith to drink. It is said that the houses that did not leave out any milk would be cursed to have their cows milk dry.

Bond 5: Feill Fadalach

Some did not trust the Cat Sith and feared it could take a person's soul before it can be claimed by the gods, therefore watches called Feill Fadalach or Late Wake would take place.

Many different methods would be used to keep the cat sith away from the dead body until it can be buried. Games, catnip, music and more where put out to stop them

Bond 10 ce:

to be added


Cat form: anthropophilic cat with dark black fur she has a patch of white on her chest. Her paws and tail tip are also white. She has teal green eyes. She wears a crown on her head and a robe on her back. She also has on a pink dress. She has red and yellow bows by her ears.
Human form: King of Cats appears as a 14 year old girl in this form. She has long purple black hair and the same teal girl eyes. The dress she wears is also the same.


Proud as any young king would be yet foolish and easily distracted.

Noble phantasm:  Feill Fadalach ( arts )

Deal damage to all enemies with low chance of stun

Regain own hp, remove def buffs, grant self debuff immune (1 time 5 turns )

Strength: E
Endurance: C
Agility: A
Mana: E
Luck: A
Noble Phantasm: D

Passive skills:

Nine lives ( passive ): increase death resistance by 15%
Presence Concealment C: Increases own critical star generation rate by 6%

Active skills:

Charisma of the King of Cats B: Increases party's attack for 3 turns.

Further increases the attack cat of allies except herself for 3 turns.

Fusion of Many Beasts A+: increase art, buster and quick card damage for 1 turn

Reduces own critical star absorption by 100% for 1 turn.

Samhain A: Grant party evasion for one turn

Increases party's NP generation for 3 turns


Animal Characteristics Servants, Children Servants, Demonic Beast Servants, Earth or Sky, Fae, Fairy Tale Servants, Female, Humanoid, King, Non-Hominidae Servants, Riding, Saber Class Servant, Saberface, Weak to Enuma Elish, Wild Beast

other facts

Cat form is the default true canon form, human form is just there cuz of a fanfic I will never write