
4 years, 9 days ago


Status: main sona

Basic info

Name: Roni

Sex: female

Diet: Omnivorous

Spices: Mained Dragon

Powers: can spit blue Fire from her moth.

Age: 18 human years

Birthday: 27 of February  

Hight: 1.6M/5”24 Feet

Likes: fruits, the beach, the forest

Dislikes: very cold wether, people who don’t listen


I love drawing mainly, there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t make art in~. I am very picky with who I befriend, but I will do my best to be a good, true friend, to the ones I have. I can enjoy being alone, and being with friends, as long as it’s kept to a balance, and when I’m with friends I usually go exploring. I enjoy nature, but I don’t get to explore it as far because I don’t like to going by myself.

I refrain from starting conversations with new people, but if someone else initiates the conversation, I will go along with them, and can hold the conversation well. I’m typically nice, but if you make me mad enough, I will attack with everything I have, which is usually claws, but don’t be afraid, it’s very difficult to make me mad, or even agitated. In fact, I love listening to other people opinions in a respectful manner, and voice my own as well. I don’t mind disagreements very much either.

Artist notes:

-The muzzle is very short and the moth is small.

-if she isn’t flying, then the wings will be fully tucked very tightly on her back.

-there are no visible scales anywhere on her design.

-make sure you don’t make her too thin or too full, she is an average weight.

-her body is kinda chibi and she is pretty short, keep that in mind~.

-her teeth are VERY sharp, please make sure you put that in if the teeth are viable.

-if smiling, it’s usually a small smile~


I’m not saying draw her super feminine, I’m saying don’t draw her masculine under any circumstance.