(OTA) Langy Lokholm's Comments

Hello! I'd like to offer on this character :)

https://toyhou.se/kaiiquz/characters/folder:2236741?page=1 any of these characters are up for trade, however, I'd also be willing to do art if you'd prefer that! <3

If nothing catches your attention, that's fine too! Thank you <3

Didn't see anyone I'd trade for sadly

Do you have some art examples? And how many pieces would you offer? :o

I am unsure how to like send you art examples, but if you go to my profile and click on "art" that should work? I think lol. Would maybe a full body and half body be fair? :)

Would you be ok with doing more pieces? :o

Possibly! How much do you think would be fair? :)

Would 3 busts and a fullbody work for you? :o

(Open deadline)

1 Replies