Rhu [$25]'s Comments


HHH--i really like this bby! I saw your post on facebook but the page refreshed and i lost it ;A; 

What are you looking for them? ♡

Mostly PayPal/da points offer but I can also can look at some changes or hq art ^^


I'm more than willing to offer art for this babe! Most of my work can be found here  

I can offer 1 full color bust, or 2 flat color halfbodies! Or a small reference sheet which includes a fullbody, a bust and a color pallete. (with a soft shading!) For the money, i can only offer $10. Next month i could offer another +$10--but for the momment i can only do an art+money offer qvq 

Heyyy! Can we switch over to messanger so we can talkbout the deal?! Im interested ^^ 

I will message you on your site! :3