


4 years, 11 days ago


Rayden is a real smartass and uses humor to hide the grief of losing his mother and other general unhappiness. He looks like he's stupid since he's very poor and uses course language but he's actually really smart. He is the treasurer for the Justix Ghosts and best friends with Miloh. He lives with his mechanic dad above his garage where Rayden details cars and manages the finances. Growing up around and then working with cars caused him to be knowledgeable on the subject even though it's not a personal interest. He oftentimes says "I'm a car guy against my will". He is 21 years old and on the shorter side of average. He uses a rough-looking motorcycle to get around the city, which often has Miloh riding on the back. Rayden may be smart but when he and Miloh get together it's like Beavis and Butthead. He has an on-and-off girlfriend (that Miloh hates) who basically uses him and that adds to his everyday stress. His closest friends are stoners and while he partakes sometimes, he prefers cigarettes or alcohol.