Meilin Zhang (Zhuque)



4 years, 17 days ago


Meilin Zhang

General Info
Meilin Zhang
October 3rd
5'9" | 175 cm
Blood Type
Hero Info
Hero Name
Quirk Name
Phoenix Wings
Course Focus
Pro Hero
Dorm Info
Dorm Number
Chunhua Zhang (née Lin)
Julong Zhang (✝) (Pro Hero)
Bowen Lin (✝) Li Lin (✝)
Meihui Lin (✝)
Zixuan Zhang
Zihan Zhang
Is there a problem here? 
― Meilin

The Soaring Hero.

Hero Stats

Hero Name: Zhuque

Quirk: Phoenix Wings

The user has the ability to transform into a large phoenix. The transformation is triggered when the user feels a strong surge of the emotions anger and rage; the longer the user feels rage, the longer the transformation holds. At a lesser amount of angry emotions, the user can also summon only the wings of a phoenix. Thanks to training, she also has the ability to switch between both transformations within several seconds


  • Mid-transformation Meilin is like a "Rage Mode": She makes herself enraged by drawing upon things that make her feel rage, thinking and concentrating on bad memories. First-world problems, frustration with herself, certain people she loathes and unsavory memories of her past are examples.
  • Being in this Rage Mode also impacts the way she acts. While focused on things that enrage her, she is aggressive, reckless and impatient. Very drastic from her usual attitude. Will be more easily angered so she can stay in this state longer, which in turn can make it difficult to reason with her while she is in this state.
  • The transformation is not entirely triggered at the user's will; Meilin can accidentally trigger her quirk by simply feeling angry enough, no matter where she is or what she is doing. She can, though, make herself angry and trigger her quirk like so. However she can also do this without meaning to.
  • While in phoenix form, Meilin can fly like a regular bird would. Although, her wings can and will ignite flames. She can't control the fire she creates as a phoenix, but her wings are definitely on fire and act like torches (if the torches were big bird wings). While they are good for sparking fires and a method for attacking, they are also... very obvious and not good for stealth. Also she must be careful while transforming in a building or closed-spaced area because something will absolutely catch on fire.
  • A complete phoenix transformation requires a certain amount of a strong surge of anger. If Meilin is overcome with another contrasting emotion (happiness, sadness, fear) or simply no longer feeling anger, then she turns back to normal (alternatively, a specific emotion like immense grief can cause anger though this is a very specific case).
  • It takes a smaller amount of angry emotions to transform with only phoenix wings, and in turn it is easier for Meilin to hit the bar and can use wings with the combination of hand-to-hand combat. Wings are still flammable.
  • Meilin can carry one average adult as a full phoenix with her talons, but will have difficulty carrying an adult with only wings. If assisted in the air, it is possible but the most she could carry while with just wings is equivalent to the weight of an average child. Wings are still flammable and not ideal for rescue due to possible injury but in a worst-case scenario she will do so. Better for tag-team combat.
  • Water... clearly not good. Throw a bucket of water on the phoenix and the flames go out -- she won't be able to fly either. Just about as useful as a really wet hot chicken wing

Primary Course Focus: Pro Hero


Meilin looks about as hot as a crispy spicy chicken wing, but we are not talking about her looks here!! She usually appears very relaxed, cool as a cucumber even. Not much phases her, or annoys her or even gets an emotional reaction out of her. Though she is quite intelligent for her age and an ideal, hard-working student. Meilin works well with the cooperation of teammates and does her best to perform at the top of her game for them, and that includes helping them out when they need it. It takes a while for her herself to ask for assistance but you can bet she will be there for someone else. She naturally tries to help others resolve conflicts; instead of taking sides, she'd rather be neutral and strive for a peaceful solution. Therefore, she seems to always attempt to quell arguments as they spark in front of her.

As someone who tries to keep the peace whenever possible, Meilin is ready to do nearly anything to avoid conflict involving herself. In turn, she's very non-confrontational and would rather bottle up any frustration she has with someone else instead of talking about it. Even if there is a time when she absolutely can and must be outraged/stand up for herself, she'll force herself not to and even ignore the entire situation for the sake of staying calm. She is simply... much better at handling everyone else's battles except for her own. Even her own problems lead to her being very indecisive and sometimes just plain neutral, which can be a bother. Also, Meilin does not readily reveal all of her thoughts or feelings. Instead she would rather keep certain things about herself hidden for the sake of either pleasing others or not feeling comfortable enough yet. Or both. Lastly, she doesn't always appear to be very... friendly ie. not cheerful or smiling. Painfully serious if you will. She rarely smiles but if she ever compliments someone she truly means it -- even without looking pleased.


Meilin was born and raised in the deep mountains of Sichuan, China. There she lived an ordinary life as her mother, aunt and grandparents worked to earn their living on their farm. Meilin's father worked as a pro hero since before he married. However, he passed as a result of a brutal villain attack while trying to protect the mountains. Meilin was still very young when it happened, so she only has a few memories of him. She was also home schooled by her family and spent most of her time helping on the farm. As she grew older, she would also assist with selling crops and furniture to the local mountain villagers.

As she was growing up, she had no choice but to learn of her quirk on her own. Since she was a toddler, she would find herself sometimes throwing a tantrum and accidentally turning herself into a young bird of flames. But Meilin's quirk was passed down from her father; every family member living with her (all on her mother's side) were quirkless and could not understand how her quirk worked. In fact, all but her mother forbade her to use her quirk while at home. Fire, to put it simply, was too dangerous on a farm surrounded by woods. So, the girl grew accustomed to running off into the mountains and practicing there by herself.

When Meilin was sixteen years old, her home and the forest surrounding it was suddenly set on fire. To this day she still doesn't know what exactly happened because she was found unconscious just before the incident. Regardless she watched her farm, her home and her family go up in flames. It was a miracle she herself made it out alive; her and her mother were the only survivors.

They were homeless for a short while, but her mother reached out to her father's side of the family in a desperate attempt for refugee. Meilin's uncle on her father's side responded. At first he refused until he caught word that Meilin had a quirk derived of her father's and instead took them both in -- sending Meilin and her mother into his lavish abode in the city. As it turns out, her uncle was a prestigious director of one of the biggest hero agencies in China. He promptly sought out to make Meilin one of the best heroes he has ever had, unfortunately for greedy reasons. The girl herself had never thought about becoming a heroine until now, yet the idea of succeeding her father gave her hope, determination that she could do something good for the world instead of hurt it. Her uncle convinced her that she should use her quirk instead of hide it -- rise to the occasion and be a hero like her father. Have something to make her parents proud of her.

For her next few years of education, her uncle would place her into a prestigious boarding school for heroics. Though she learned how to better control and use her quirk, it came at a cost. After realizing that her quirk was triggered by emotion, Meilin's teachers would train her to only feel anger when in combat and repress the emotion anytime else. Though it was strict teaching, she rapidly soared to the top of her class. Meilin focused very little on socializing; her attention was towards her academics and skills. The pressure of both her uncle and her underlying hope to make her family proud was a weight on her shoulders, but it got her to pass with flying colors. With the additional connection of interning at her uncle's hero agency, Meilin was able to build up a great resume for a university dedicated to heroism -- and luckily Schuyler was one of them. Although it wasn't actually her first choice, she was pressured to apply via uncle and be sent off to make a name for herself in Boston... even if she really didn't want to leave.



Sooyun Jung

[ Relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.


Evelynn Makena

[ Relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.



  • Strawberries
  • Flora/Fauna
  • Many gifts given all at once
  • A good book
  • Farming
  • Sharing with others
  • Clear skies
  • Zombies


  • Fate/Destiny/Any sort of prediction
  • Conformity
  • Choosing sides
  • Swimming
  • Strong alcohol
  • Injustice
  • Forest fires
  • Social media


  • Her hero suit is designed to be nonflammable/not catch on fire during and after any transformation.
  • Hero suit was also not designed by her but by professional pro hero suit designers hired by her uncle. AKA she had no choice in the design and she wasn't entirely happy with not having a choice... but she still vibes with the final product.
  • Has a lot of experience with cooking and growing fruits/vegetables, very much misses doing the latter.
  • She learned how to cook from her grandparents. Besides cooking, she also learned how to make bamboo baskets, fishing, growing vegetables and doing carpenter work from them.
  • As she turns back to her normal form, she leaves behind bits of ashes -- a reference to how phoenixes are reborn from their own ashes.
  • She's very fond of dogs, but can't currently adopt one. She used to have three dogs that belonged to the family before she moved.
  • Her aunt used to be a strong believer of fortune tellers and astrology. One time, she took Meilin to a village's fortune teller -- who told her that her destiny was cursed and that she would eventually be the cause of her family's demise. Meilin did not believe the fortune teller. After the incident, she grew repulsed to anyone/anything that would predict the future. But that doesn't mean she still doesn't believe.