Windy Timberg (NEWT [ Windy MHU ])



3 years, 5 months ago


Name: Windy Timberg

Birthday: April 13th

Age: 19

Gender: Nonbinary

Height: 5'3

Sexuality: Bisexual

Nationality: British- American

Ethnicity: English

Blood Type: 0

Immediate Family:

Mother: Claudia Timberg (nee Blake)

Father: Noah Timberg

Siblings:  n/a

Hero Stats  

Hero Name: Newt

Quirk: Lizard Zap

The user produces a little shock from their fingertips that zaps any living being and turns them into a reptile temporarily. The effect lasts 20 minutes tops - and dwindles down the more reptiles are poofed ( 2 touches to 10 minutes, 4 to 5, etc )

  • While in lizard form the person still maintains their own consciousness and is not subjected to a lizard’s level of  intelligence. 
  • They won’t feel pain while in lizard mode or bleed, and damage taken as a lizard does not affect their real body.  When enough damage is done they will poof back to their normal body.
  • A diminished version of the target’s quirk can be used while in lizard mode.
  • If Windy loses concentration, knocked unconscious or are smacked really, really hard the lizards will poof back to their original form.


  • Only reptiles Windy has familiarized themself with seem to be an option for transformation.
  • Can cause disorientation to those not familiar with transformation quirks.
  • The little spark feels like when you rub your socks along the carpet and touch something metal.
  • It can be deflected by any reflective surface and hit Windy themself - they cannot use their quirk in Lizard Mode.
  • The shock produced can only hit/travel in a 4 ft/121 cm radius.

Primary Course Focus: Support


  • Intuitive
  • Brave
  • Observant
  • Patient
  • ---    
  • Awkward
  • Aloof
  • Ruthless
  • Selfish

    Windy tries to keep a cool tone to any situation that presents itself, believing that level headed outlooks are far more useful than an impulsive shot in problem solving. Their strive to maintain 'cool points' at face value sometimes falter towards a more awkward strand of speaking, but Windy tries to stumble by as best they can. They’re patient and calculate their path and relationships every step of the way until they ultimately reach their end goal. Firmly believing and going by the saying, “work smarter, not harder” even in a test of survival.  Despite that, Windy's own personal flare is far from most people's normal.  Giving how they grew up, and everything they went through living right outside the Everglades - they're comfort in 'dangerous' situations either makes them an asset or a headache.  

If Windy's not interested in getting to know someone, it's easy to tell right off the bat - if they think you're boring or not worth their time, they won't give it. This goes along with them seeing everything from an opportunistic point of view as well.  Maybe they don't like you, but you've got a nice car, and  they need a ride! Then they'll hide the eyerolls and get on with it.  Their warped sense of permanence usually has them struggling to value the worth in any physical inanimate object past it's sell value - if they regift you something you gave 'em... well, sorry! No hard feelings.


  •  swapping playlists
  • bold fashion
  • crickets
  • flat soda
  • getting info/recon
  • stationary & stickers
  • scarves


  • Fizzy drinks    
  • Hiccups    
  • Overcast    
  • Permanent Marker   
  •  Clutter/Mess    
  • "Snakes are SLIMY" and misinformed comments in that realm


Windy comes from a ragtag duo of “retired” pro-hero parents that hailed from England originally.  Their father would boast in his own sleepy ways of the “heists” he pulled back in Manchester and the London area - conveniently leaving out his casing gone bad of some higher up aristocratic families.  Windy and their parents scurried off to Chokoloskee, Florida after a few more slip ups with the law from their father when they were just four years old and they’ve called it home ever since. 

Growing up Windy started putting the pieces together of their parents' true nature - inventions stolen and sold off for money or gambled away in a silly bet their father made the night prior became the norm.  Windy stopped getting attached to things, and spent most of their time away in their “shop” (it was just a silly little half-sunken-into-the-ground shed) and herping around for the flourishing wildlife around them.  Given what their quirk allowed, and because of their own hype fixation with reptiles - Windy kept a homemade field guide on reptiles and amphibians especially. As things got rougher at home, and more and more of their gadgets and trinkets went missing Windy took the excuse of their eighteenth birthday coming up - and hitchhiked the hell outta Florida; a little “vacation” for themself. They ran away, but it’d be a miracle if pops and mam even noticed. 

It was an easy get away, given the connections and alliances they formed growing up.  The ride to Georgia was secured within the day - and they left home with just a backpack of the essentials.  And as they made their way up the east coast over the months the news of Schulyer kept getting slapped in their face.  

Horrors aside Windy knew they could at least set up shop there for a little while, and their own credentials with support work gave them the edge they thought - to apply and get in- at least.  Friends made a long the way inspired them to reach for the next level for their own tinker heart anyways.  So they set their sights and made a big red X, right over the school. Eventually their cash would run out so they needed the security, and maybe they could even spin their funky little quirk into something worth the heroic field!


  • They hated the Rocket Launch.
  • They worked as a life guard in Florida and only turned one person into a lizard by accident.
  • It took them nearly a year of travel & exploring until they finally made it up to New England.
  • They had a small etsy style shop where they sell handmade jewelry. (They super love making rings out of old antique silverware and stealing doll's eyes for necklaces). Obviously it fell through from their parents theft but they'd like to fire it back up in Boston.
  • Horror is their fave genre and on top of reptiles & amphibians they're super into Zombie movies.
  • they stole those timbs while traveling through new york and are too scared to return to the city now because of it