Vincent Mann (Old Design)



3 years, 1 month ago


V Old description, from before May 2021 V

This is a design from 2018, so I may eventually rework his design a  bit, but this is The Scavenger, or Vinny! His design is modeled after  the bearded vulture.

His story isn't really officially decided  yet, but I was thinking of going for one of those comedically  over-the-top classic comic book superhero backstories where he was,  like, created in a lab by scientists who were trying to play god, and  genetically splice humans with Other Things (birds, in his case). As an  infant, he was stolen from the facility by the rogue scientist that he  would grow to call mother, and was raised with a fairly normal  childhood, despite the giant wings. He later meets Dana Rowan, Virus,  and they have to, I dunno, save the world or something. It's a work in  progress, for sure.

Also, he really likes fashion. Any time you pass him in the street, he'll be wearing a fancy new outfit.