


7 years, 5 months ago



Nei Cairan
          ❝ You can't expect to be happy if you keep living for someone else's approval. ❞


BACKGROUND ||      Growing up an only child was very difficult for Nei. Scolded by both of her parents daily. She was forced to work in her family's business and missed out on a huge amount of her childhood. Her father was a kind man until he drank himself numb, often humiliating his wife and child in front of guests of the Iarlen Kingdom to satisfy their needs. Nothing was impossible as long as money was involved. Her mother often shunned her. Constantly reminding her that she wished for a son rather than a daughter.

 As she matured, her parents became more abusive towards her. On her 15th birthday, her mother passed due to pneumonia. A "much too light" punishment for her. Her father drank heavily and business was dwindling down. Her father drunk and succumbed to his paranoia, saw her as a curse and often beat her. Nei never lost hope, wishing on the stars each night that her brother would come save her from this hell. Upon the year of her 17th birthday, the business was visited by Iarlenean knights, following up complaints that were made against the establishment. Nei's father begged them to hold off in shouting them down, promising them his daughter as a result but Nei refused. . 

   During her brother's leave, she managed a small bar and inn in a town between the two kingdom. She offers jobs and housing to orphans and those casted out of the Iarlen Kingdom. She grew to hate its people but served them to keep her business afloat. She happened to stumble across Kanni on one of her off days. While tending to her garden, she spotted her passed out in the field, struggling with a high fever. 

|| STORY  

"Universe / World name" | CHARACTER ROLE    

 Castien Liadan|| 

   Realizing the situation she was in, he stepped in and killed her father and the men harming her. He was given the name "brother" and gave her his last name so she would never have to remember her past. 

 Kanni Iarlen|| 

   Restoring her from her fever,  their friendship blossomed as Kanni worked as a barista for the inn. Kanni promised to never leave her side until the debt was returned. 

 TBA || 
 Relationship status
   Relationship info lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce in ipsum varius, gravida est at, ultricies lectus



❝ Quote here. ❞

   Quite like Castien, Nei is very social. She often comes off a bit too strong. She lets the men she is interested in know up front of her intentions and is never seen without a smile on her face. Often others find her terrifying how calm she can be under dire circumstances. She has a huge hatred towards the Iarlen Kingdom and often snaps at the mention of them.

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PHYSICAL ||      Quisque consequat scelerisque purus ut vehicula. Sed vitae dignissim mi. Morbi aliquet ultricies libero sit amet pretium. Vivamus in nisi eget velit finibus fringilla eu eu odio. Vestibulum tincidunt non nunc at consequat. Aliquam commodo, tortor in consequat blandit, risus erat dignissim dui, in varius enim massa ac lacus.
   Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aenean eleifend dolor nec ante aliquet, nec consectetur massa bibendum. Etiam lectus purus, sagittis eget rutrum vel, placerat et velit. Morbi vel sagittis ex. In congue tempor mi at aliquam.


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