Remi Bakugo (Alternative Profile)



3 years, 11 months ago



Remi Bakugo

Remi Bakugo (藐豪 伶明), also known as Recchan by Izuku Midoriya, is a student in class 1-A of UA High School. Like her classmates, she is training to become a pro hero.


"I'm actually a forgiving person. I believe in second chances!"


  • Video Games
  • Anime
  • Manga
  • Western Food
  • Sharing her snacks
  • Surfing


  • Selfishness
  • Cats
  • Not being able to help
  • Most Vegetables
  • Laggy Games
  •  Making Decisions


  • Remi suffers from ailurophobia
  • Her favourite food is meatballs
  • She used to work a part-time job at a beach shack, in order to get money for new video games
  • Remi ranked 8th in the entrance exams, 7th in the Quirk Apprehension Test and 5th in the midterms
  • Remi seems to enjoy western food
  • Her favourite place to go to is a theme park


"I'm actually a very forgiving person. I believe in second chances!"

Remi's personality almost contrasts from her brother's. While Katsuki's more aggressive and short-tempered, Remi's quite friendly and carefree. She's a courageous tomboy and isn't afraid to get herself into trouble, as long as it's for a good cause, but this makes her quite reckless as she doesn't think about the consequences of her actions. Remi tends to be quite confident and powerful in battles, however, it is also shown several times that she's a nervous and insecure individual. 

At the beginning of the series, Remi is shown to be slightly asocial, most of the times seen playing video games and only talking to Izuku and her brother. This changed when she befriends Ochaco, after getting into UA, and she slowly opens up more to her classmates. However, she still has some elements of her previous personality. For example, her typical expression consists of a poker face, which makes her emotions somewhat unreadable for those around her. 

Remi seems to be quite forgiving as she is unable to hold grudges against someone. She believes that villains deserve second chances and that they should be changed for the better.


  • Carefree
  • Friendly
  • Crafty
  • Supportive
  • Imaginative
  • Forgiving


  • Reckless
  • Teasing
  • Emotional
  • Secretive
  • Gets Distracted Easily
  • Apologetic


  • Gaming
  • Surfing
  • Drawing
  • Watching Anime
  • Reading Manga


  • Praesent vestibulum aliquet
  • Fusce mattis dignissim
  • Etiam tellus
  • Vehicula bibendum dolor
  • Dapibus auctor et rhoncus
  • Aenean id orci a enim
  •  Introvert   Extrovert 

  •  Intuitive   Observant 

  •  Thinking   Feeling 

  •  Judging   Prospecting 

  •  Assertive   Turbulent 



  •  Hair Color   Ash Blonde 

  •  Eye Color   Red 

  •  Skin Color   Fair 

  •  Height   162cm 

  •  Clothing Style   Tomboy 

  •  Skinny   Large 

  •  Curvy   Lean 

  •  Fat   Muscular 

  •  Tall   Short 


Remi is a young woman of a height slightly above average with a slim build and fair skin. She has red, round eyes and very long ash blonde hair, with bangs and two shoulder-length clumps, framing her face. Remi has an ahoge, which reacts differently, depending on her emotions. She also has notably long bottom eyelashes.

Her hero costume consists of a black romper with bishop sleeves along with white tights and gloves. The is a power button in the centre of her romper, which shows how much energy she has left and when she is going to overheat. As well as that, the sides of her costume lights up often in a battle and will dim down depending on her stamina. Remi also have two chargers, which look like drills/horns on her head. 

Design Notes

  • Etiam ac neque et enim interdum dapibus at nec orci.
  • Phasellus blandit iaculis massa vel fermentum.
  • Cras quis neque et orci varius ultrices eu ultricies lectus feugiat odio tellus.
  • Quisque urna orci, gravida a viverra ac, blandit nec ex.
  • Phasellus finibus mauris ut vulputate mollis.
  • Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
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Izuku Midoriya: Childhood Friend

Izuku and Remi have been friends for as long as they remember. The two, along with Katsuki and his posse, would hang out at the local park when they were younger. Remi was aware of Katsuki's bullying and would often try to stop him, only to be ignored and insulted instead.

Even after being in UA, they have still remained good friends, often supporting each other in troublesome situations. Remi also found out about One For All after overhearing Izuku's conversation with All Might at one point.


Ochaco Uraraka: Best Friend

Remi met Ochaco in UA. They introduced themselves at the end of the first day along with Tenya. She even asked to walk home with Remi, to which she politely declined as she cycles home instead. However, she would walk home with her regularly later on.

After the first day, they became much closer and would hang out frequently. It was also because of Ochaco that Remi started opening up a lot more to her classmates and even grew to be a much more social person.


Tsuyu Asui: Best Friend

Remi and Tsuyu became great friends due to the mutual friendships of both Ochaco and Izuku. They are normally seen hanging out with the "Dekusquad" in and out of school. They're both aware of Ochaco's crush on Izuku and try to get the two together, despite their failed attempts.


Denki Kaminari: Close Friend

Remi and Denki's interactions have been fairly minimal until the UA Sports Festival. They've coincidentally went to the same internships and ever since then, they've become really close friends and Remi's even started developing feelings for him, although she often tries to put them away.


Tenya Iida: Good Friend

Remi and Tenya have met through Izuku. Remi often teaches Iida internet slang and tricks him into using it on a daily basis (for example she once told him that frequently saying 'F' is respectful), only to find out it's informal shortly after. Even so, they are on good terms most of the times.


Kyoka Jiro: Good Friend

Pellentesque finibus scelerisque pharetra. In vulputate iaculis pharetra. Ut mattis, mauris eget bibendum finibus, libero magna auctor tellus, ut blandit odio ante non urna.



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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed sed ultricies odio, ac pellentesque leo. Mauris lacus dolor, dignissim quis augue iaculis, sagittis consectetur turpis. In varius eget leo et tempor. Nulla malesuada diam ut ullamcorper blandit. Vestibulum leo eros, fringilla auctor pellentesque sit amet, tristique in quam. Fusce sodales dolor dolor, et laoreet nisi consectetur ut. Nulla volutpat ipsum eu fermentum pellentesque. Donec quis luctus dui. Ut nec orci varius, viverra sapien non, hendrerit lectus. Sed ac posuere nisi. Pellentesque fermentum tempus dolor, semper bibendum ligula lobortis nec. In at libero quis lectus eleifend imperdiet in eu justo. Vestibulum placerat tristique convallis. Vestibulum et facilisis tortor. Curabitur ut mauris vitae urna imperdiet aliquam.

Nam posuere, ex ac posuere aliquet, ex lorem convallis mi, a rutrum nunc ligula a odio. Aliquam erat volutpat. Mauris finibus fringilla erat, sit amet eleifend nisi vestibulum id. In venenatis lorem elit, quis mattis lectus consectetur non. Vivamus non purus id leo mollis semper. Nullam quis dapibus ex, rutrum laoreet tellus. Maecenas eget urna turpis. Ut nec lectus molestie leo vulputate dictum. Aenean placerat tincidunt dignissim. Cras sem enim, facilisis in sollicitudin eu, tempor efficitur tellus. Ut cursus felis eu nulla porttitor, ac suscipit lacus tempor.

In viverra diam metus, eu posuere odio sagittis vel. Quisque aliquam ultricies ligula at maximus. Nam accumsan at est et cursus. In tellus turpis, fringilla quis quam a, ornare volutpat metus. Cras imperdiet lectus sit amet tempus laoreet. Sed dignissim nisi ac ipsum gravida, nec bibendum lacus gravida. Maecenas eget condimentum enim, nec ultricies nunc. Donec sit amet accumsan lacus. Pellentesque egestas in ex tristique viverra. Cras fringilla pharetra imperdiet. Integer mollis massa et ante pretium sodales. Ut euismod finibus diam, at ultrices turpis condimentum id. Donec posuere elit eget ante accumsan finibus.

Sed condimentum volutpat euismod. Sed luctus ultricies diam id ultrices. Fusce id porta tortor, nec lacinia mauris. Fusce quis euismod dui, sed pellentesque tellus. Nunc sed lobortis lacus, eu sollicitudin velit. Mauris dictum enim a consequat venenatis. Vivamus et metus at lectus fermentum imperdiet ac vitae dolor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Integer non cursus turpis, sit amet interdum ante. Vivamus sit amet fringilla orci, in posuere ligula.


Nullam iaculis augue diam, tincidunt eleifend mauris elementum accumsan. Ut metus orci, fermentum eget aliquam et, interdum sit amet turpis. Donec ultricies ante non ligula vestibulum, eget tempor lacus sagittis. Nunc tempor ac nisl nec porta. Donec rhoncus pretium risus sit amet lobortis. Nunc accumsan egestas lectus vel suscipit. Nam purus nibh, tincidunt non aliquet in, gravida blandit nulla. Aenean turpis quam, posuere ac auctor vitae, finibus non metus. Sed fermentum leo a semper lobortis. Nam nec eros auctor, placerat augue eget, volutpat metus. Vestibulum in imperdiet diam. Pellentesque ullamcorper, elit at pharetra consectetur, purus magna porttitor turpis, luctus fermentum ex metus a justo. Curabitur id interdum sapien, eu venenatis augue.

Nullam euismod dapibus nisl, ut pellentesque sapien efficitur sit amet. Duis ut nisi nec nisi molestie elementum. Pellentesque elementum urna vitae magna ullamcorper euismod. Vivamus sed consequat velit. Nulla lobortis condimentum nunc et accumsan. Nam aliquam justo vitae volutpat tempor. Mauris quis lobortis nisi. In est nunc, accumsan sed malesuada vel, euismod commodo odio.

Present Day


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Fusce egestas posuere dolor nec efficitur. In at purus cursus, vestibulum magna in, vulputate sapien. Etiam dictum volutpat libero, quis maximus enim hendrerit in. Proin dignissim est ut fermentum venenatis. In vitae ipsum blandit, tempus turpis vel, vehicula urna. Donec sapien dolor, gravida vel porta quis, porta sed metus. Vestibulum pellentesque purus sem, nec facilisis metus imperdiet a. Nam varius metus vel erat mollis placerat. Aenean est turpis, maximus vitae egestas id, semper a augue. Nunc tristique velit nunc, nec consequat quam pharetra vel. Ut tincidunt nibh vel metus lobortis egestas et sit amet mi. Fusce vulputate diam nunc, eu volutpat augue vulputate id. Sed commodo scelerisque orci, ut feugiat tellus malesuada vitae. Nunc accumsan egestas lectus vel suscipit. Nam purus nibh, tincidunt non aliquet in, gravida blandit nulla. Nullam euismod dapibus nisl, ut pellentesque sapien efficitur sit amet.

Nam nec eleifend ex. Sed scelerisque condimentum eleifend. Duis hendrerit ex et ligula porta, ut vestibulum nibh congue. In consequat urna sed gravida iaculis. Cras in magna in orci dignissim semper non id dolor. Praesent cursus lobortis libero, a auctor mauris suscipit non. Phasellus at augue non ex luctus porttitor. Fusce ut ipsum id nisl accumsan pretium. Sed urna quam, euismod eu aliquet vel, ornare vel arcu. Duis ut nisi nec nisi molestie elementum.



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